Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

sounds like a good poe

fluff infinitely as there is only one page

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This is why youre smarter than me

Yeah that was a very towny post

People should learn that if Abbi has blind faith in a town read its like way > rand to be accurate

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How consistently do I need to prove this

532 more times please


My view might be distorted since my first game with you was the me + cait scum team sobbing
For the most part tho your reads are accurate. Liike, 90%


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I’m in

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You also killed me N1 and I’m pretty sure I was copping Cait cause i thought she was wolf if it’s the game I’m thinking of lol

Nahhh playing with you in Mountainous Arson made me understand that ISO-ing isn’t the only way to read people, and what your post count to me might be my wallposts to others. You actually helped me improve my play~ :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

Caits game is done so I’m gonna go chill with the cute girl instead of you

Cause like y’all cute but like I don’t wanna kiss any of you so you lose by default


Wait… really?

That was a PR kill yeah

Imo it’s not useful but I’m biased because I don’t think it would tell me anything I didn’t already know


Well, considering my lack of wolfreads, it would make sense?
But no, I’m a dumb vanilla townie

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I was literally asked to explain. And I refused, until I backread and saw that my whole plan got kinda blown apart. So I didn’t really have anything to lose by explaining anymore.


I don’t have a progression, I’m just soulreading him as town. If I’m wrong, hang me, I deserve it for being so confident lmao.


What are your thoughts on his read on lol?