Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

[early read on lol, right after he claimed]

i’m interested to hear this because i don’t know what my read on lol is

Whose read



Did you not read any of my posts concerning lol’s claim? Because I referred to arctic’s take as well, and as far as I’m concerned we’re on the same page.


I swear you’re just finding excuses to point fingers at me at this point and it’s really skeeving me out.


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I’d rather vote myself out than vote Arctic, so I’ll happily eat it today but y’all gotta listen to my read when I flip town.

Yupyup! At the time that game took so much out of me I thought it was unlikely I’d play offsite again, but after a while I realized it was actually a good experience to “see the outside world”.

I think I’m starting to learn how to read you (without ISO) but at the same time I’m a bit scared you’d run circles around me when I finally meet wolf!Abbi. xD

Yeah but it’s like you’re only quoting very specific posts where I was still gambiting and not any of the posts where I explain things for real.

I was reading through your ISO chronologically. Gambit posts are first. Gambit posts are more sus, and therefore more quote-worthy. I asked you questions regarding Arctic because I wanted to better understand your post-gambit mindset (and I’m pretty sure was mixing you up with someone who got suspicious of Arctic for his read on lol)


i know we’ve had these reads for years but i feel it’s been a while since we last played together so idk why you’re so much more confident on me than i am on you

Like, you read my explanation on that, right? I was doing a long PR cover gambit. Of course the shit I said or refused to say on D1 was wolfy for purposely dropping towntells. The best way to play as a town PR is to play like a wolf with information, so that’s exactly what I did.

Because you’ve said stuff that I don’t think comes from wolf!you, simple as that, and no, I don’t plan on revealing what it is.

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Right, I know your explanation, but understand that “I was acting like a wolf on purpose” is going to raise some eyebrows here.

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I don’t care :person_shrugging: I don’t have anything to hide anymore.

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That was Abbi iirc?

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Yeah I think it was. TY

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