Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

That’s just because people on SA don’t kill talkative people the first two days, generally, because half the player base lurks like hell

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It’s literally, if you can hold an entertaining conversation they probably won’t kill you immediately because you keep the thread alive

I’m always the top poster over there so I don’t usually eat the vote super early

what do you think about may’s other posts?

Words, lots of words, but somehow I didn’t get any sense of their alignment from their other posts. And I find that concerning because I would’ve expected with their post volume, that their content volume would be high enough for me to feel reasonably comfortable placing a read on them. And it’s halfway through D2 and I still don’t really have a sense of their alignment, other than my suspicion on how they’ve handled my slot.

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I’d say that maybe I just don’t know how to read May? But I’ve played with them before, I don’t remember my accuracy rate, but they were town in all of those games. I think I sort of specced a game where they randed wolf in their earlier days on FoL and I remember thinking their posts were super wolfy (not tonally but content-wise), but I’m assuming they’ve improved since then.

I am pretty sure it took me a day or two at least to read May in other games, too, though, so maybe I’m just slow lmao

Question whats either a cuter or shorter way to say Windward

Wind, Windy, WW, WWA, I’ve seen all of those

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Or you can be creative and invent something wild

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I like adding y’s to the ends of names so ill go with windy
Can I have a read list pwease

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No thanks, windy is cute enough for me

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Explanation: first tier is top town, Psyx is probably due for a reevaluation but I do like the content in her posts because it feels like her reads are nuanced. Lol gets his own tier because he claimed vanillized cop, he actually should just always be town but if I’m ranking people on how towny they sound outside of cop claims he’s not actually at the top. Luka is next because I’ve liked most of his posts and I think he’s town but I’m not certain enough to lock in that read. Zugzwang and garfooled I have been flipflopping on and idk which one is townier/wolfier, I do think it’s possible they’re both town and I don’t think it’s super likely they’re both wolves, but then my poe is super yikes if the former is true. May is at the bottom because I just have no reason to clear them and I dislike their progression (or lack thereof) on me.

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Disclaimer: I would not be surprised if my PoE were super yikes on D2.

Oops that post replied to the host account lmao
cause I quoted the OP to get the player list and move the names around and then deleted the quote formatting and the tags

Do we think it’s reasonable for Caitlin to die if her towncore included Abbi, Psyx and me and she was wrong on one of us? I know we discussed what would happen if she were wrong on Abbi so I think Abbi is clear, but what about Psyx and me?

If there’s a scum in there it’s prob you fwiw so Idt so

besides the whole preplanned thing
faking PR
and then using that as an explanation to be a wallflower d1
Wind is town to me
the whole PR thing though
I don’t like how it feels so formulaic to get TR

It’s not impossible, I just don’t love over analyzing night kills

The pr thing is what they’re doing to get trd by me. Why would wolves do it, it almost got them killed d1 lol