Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I’m not gonna tell you what your towntells are until we rand wolf together again lmao

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The idea that if you’re a wolf you’re just saying that because your read is TMI and have nothing else is hilarious

I said that cause last time I randed wolf with Arctic (in fact, the only time) we had to agree on townreading each other just so we wouldn’t be wrong on our godreads

And that was ages ago, but the logic still stands lol

I wish that were the case because it would be 10x funnier

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may asked… two questions?

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The sad reality is, I keep silently questioning myself whether my read on you is still accurate, and then you go and say something I end up townreading too so it’s a fairly consistent conclusion on my part.

Was referring to earlier posts as well, not justthe questions they’re asking literally now

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I was backreading May’s posts at the same time they asked those questions lol, it was totally unrelated

I have the same thing with you except I’m probably more uncertain given that you have a lot of hidden games I don’t know about and I have no idea what could have gone on there since we last played that might make my read inaccurate

I mean it was coincidental timing. Not planned

but still is asking questions a bad thing?
like I asked a ton of questions to Gar, and you didn’t say that was scummy

You would witness me getting caught as scum every single time I randed scum, and you would also see me getting misyeeted as town on D1 lol

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can yoooooooooooou explain your read on wind or is that also a secret

You asked questions to Gar, AFAIK, in order to feel out their alignment.

May is asking me questions but has consistently been pushing since D1 that I am a suspect. Like not enough that it’s a noticeable push to the rest of you, but I’ve been monitoring it, and it’s always juuuust enough to keep me in the poe. Especially now that Psyx, you, and idk who else have me as possible scum, lol definitely had me as scum, and I think Luka has been flipflopping on me as well. I sound like a much more realistic yeet candidate now than I did earlier, which is why I think May’s buildup on me by specifically quoting my intentionally scummy posts is just an agenda.

So… what makes it more likely to be W!May doing this rather than T!May who is just a bit paranoid of you?

i just checked your linktree and this is true but the earliest you died as mafia was on day 3

i dont mthink theres much point doing this before i’ve read her iso which i’ll do when i wake up probably

The consistency.
Imo it’s almost too consistent for it to come from town. I know there was a discussion on May’s 180 on guava I think? earlier, but their read on me has remained very consistent where it sounds to me like I’m not their absolute top scumread but I am definitely someone they’d consider voting out. It’s enough to be an agenda read without being overly obvious to most people.

:crying_cat_face: me failing at pronouns

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