Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I was wolf with nichy ftr
Thats the one i can think off of the top of my head

This is your fault. Do not hoist this on me.

Im going to defend this further thinking of it
What would you want me to say, presuming this ends the agme? Thats kinda… pointless. Since if the post has relevance, the game is still ongoing.

I wasn’t really talking about a lack of emotion, more that you didn’t seem to be playing the game like someone who’s worldview had just been turned upside down, and that’s indicative of this prior worldview being fake

what was psyx’s plan for today by killing abi there as a w/w? i had made it clear that i believed we were in abigail/psyx or luka/zug worlds and that just sets her up to die today given that we both gave indication we thought psyx was the second

idk i guess it could be to make me think she wouldn’t buss but if i was in her position i would have tried to get the win in f5

it’s my fault that you hammered ending the day like 5 hours after it begun?..

either way i’m not trying to play the blame game, i’m expressing that there’s reasonable wolf motivation for you to do this and not much town motivation

yeah that’s fair enough i guess

I didnt post much at all that day I dont think. This is mostly due to nights lasting 24h. I thought things over the night somewhat? and was mostly confused then. I see no reason for this confusion to translate to day, if that makes sense. Same with abbi flipping scum. I was really annoyed that I hard defended a wolf, but im kind of showing none of it today.

The game I showed was a me / nichy world leading. We also used the exact same logic, or at least I did. I said that, given i was TRd by one town, then I could have voted nge to win the game. The other person in the F3 followed this logic and I ended up winning that game despite being nearly outed D2.

No lol, its your fault you made it very clear you didnt want to play the game

Nah, i didn’t want to play the game but I was still going to out of obligation. I didn’t appreciate the day being ended this early

(I was also quite drunk but I didn’t mention this… I think)

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Sorry about that in that case

A question to both of you — why do you think you’re alive for F3?

For me, it’s very likely because (1) I’ve shown being capable of 180ing my reads and (2) my TR on Abbi since D2 — the wolves might’ve expected me to side with her yesterday

As for why Zug was killed over me… :thinking: Because I’m easier to push, maybe? Probs because of Wind vs Psyx

@Luka don’t you feel weird about being in F3 with someone you’ve been TR-ing since D1…?

And @Arctic if you’ve found it hard to find woofs since D2, why aren’t you looking for the town instead?

I mean zug kinda dies there regardless of what people’s reads are because nobody thought it was him after the crossvote. I didn’t think it was him anyway

not really sure what i’m supposed to say to this
I’ve been trying to do both lol

And like, if it is psyx then I was sitting on the exact solve since day 3 when you guys went and killed wind so :joy_cat:

(≖_≖ ) No, you haven’t. You’ve never defended a TR — much less discussed reads afaik

If it’s you, my gut feeling since D1 (a wolf in May/Arctic) was right :fire:

the only townread i felt confiden enough to defend was zug

I would have tried to kill you or abigail on day 3 but obviously hammer happened

dude if you aren’t a wolf you had the two wolves at the top of your read list i’m sorry but :skull:

? Town make bad reads all the time

If I had accurate reads I’d be dead, no?