Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

silviu reminds me of him so much

lil pisqueak is inseparable from me :weary:

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its not even nonsense i think you tolerate less nonsense as you gain power. you cant cause mischief against those controlling the thread if youre controlling it. maybe ive just not been around for your mischief though


you guys describe may as a devouring beast


I can be! Sometimes! Occasionally!

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I very rarely like. Hit or was hit by anyone as a child. We all solved our conflicts using various forms of manipulation. I convinced my sister to cut open her favourite stuffed animal because I wanted the stuffing inside


i used to be a chaos goblin 2 years ago id have a period where id claim wolf every game for fun. one time i claimed 3p sk that had mech lock win in an open night and i got everyone depressed and sad. i was town. they did not take it well.



I’ve never even faked a redcheck. As town

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all im saying is nothing wrong with a devouring beast


It’s my lifelong dream but I keep missing opportunities. Once I planned to fake a redcheck I had it all sorted out and hten I chickened out and got executed the next day and the player I was gonna fake a red on was a wolf who won in F3

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youre lawful good!!! i bet youd NEVER commit a crime

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i had a group of kids that i had following me around and we would stir up trouble
one time we found a random paint can and busted it open with a stick and smeared it all over apartment property
we got caught btw
and our parents had to paint over it


lmaoooo dumbasses :joy:

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Oh that doesn’t count the club we had on the bus where we’d fight each other like warrior cats for fun which the bus driver somehow never complained about despite the fact that he was really strict with everyone else. And we were like jumping between seats and such. And crawling under them. But that wasn’t conflict we were just doing htat for fun

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There’s nothing wrong with a devouring beast but, a devouring beast devours everything it sees. You can’t even leave something on the counter without it being gone the next second.


Chomp chomp. I do swipe most snacks and food I see unattended

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Chomp chomp

Sometimes I just find random candies in my pockets because I saw them on a table and grabbed them


you eat one walnut and your tummy is full


i took all of my chaos energy out when i was a kid
had my own gang and everything
now i still cause chaos
but i’m less social now so i cause chaos rarely with 1