Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

how do u guys perceive me?

from 1 - ate chaos goblin to 10 - ruthless antagonist

enjoy sweetheart

to tryhard and analytical


just for this im putting you in “wouldnt hurt a fly”

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I feel like it’s not a linear scale. AtE and chaos aren’t necessarily correlated. I’m a ruthless chaos goblin on my home server.

if you didnt id put you in this category

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i think its partially people treat you alot more as someone with peak gamer genes there than here. youre given alot more thread control and you use that thread control

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when i was 10 and my cousin was 4 one time we were at my room playing with my toys. he wanted one of them. i was gonna give it to him, but first i decided to tease him by pretending i dont wanna give it to him. it lasted like 10 seconds, and i was about to hand it to him suddenly i realized my face was turned sideways, and my cheek was on fire. i sat there for maybe 5 minutes thinking about what happened before i realized he slapped the shit out of me. can u guess what my reaction was?

a) cry and go tell my mom
b) cry and dont tell anyone out of fear that i’d get in trouble
c) slap the shit out of him back

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Yeah, FAM was absolutely the game I tried the least in. I had a horrid habit of just, like, making myself terribly ill from stress every single wolfgame of mine because I was so obsessed with winning. And this didn’t even convert to being good or tryhard in thread, I’d just stress out in wolfchat, for the most part. So during FAM Italy like forcibly made me eat 3 meals a day and get a reasonable amount of sleep and exercise and this actually worked really well and I came out of the game way healthier than even I entered it. And it also meant I was literally never in thread


may has jade privledges atm because im trialing jade. may exclusively ftr may can jade me



my best friend is named jade

im your best friend :face_holding_back_tears:


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no you’re my sister

Yeah I feel like I try to do exactly as much nonsense as I’m afforded. And I get SUCH a budget for nonsense over there

this one?
this is also me

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omfg ur an actual mafia god

good job

at the same time i would tolerate and play yugioh cards with that cousin
so its a good 50/50

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