Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Truly the savior our town may not deserve but has
(I forgot how it goes and am functioning on a few hours of sleep)

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*how the saying goes I mean…

I don’t have any unique and interesting observations to give but I agree with Arctic’s assessment of Caitlin

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Put wind just above cait btw

Maybe below



Soley cuz this post is scummy
100 posts in, st the very least some of them being ai and having nothing to add sleep

I didn’t say I don’t have preliminary reads. I said I had nothing to add. As in, nothing that hasn’t already been said except for maybe one observation that I don’t think is particularly novel.

And by that, I mean it’s a very stupid and pointless thing to point out that I believe probably everyone other than Caitlin has at least thought about.

This is what I got from that
Caitlin didn’t laugh at it for what it is, a joke
Because they were looking for something trivial to poke at
To look like they’re an aggressive town player

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Town reading Luka for this hesitance

Or maybe town leaning idk
Something town

I won’t bully you if you share :+1::+1:

Everyone else
I have no control over

id prefer you share the reads, even if they’re already echoed. Knowing where everybody is in their thought process fuels the game.

Honestly I look for trivial things as town to fuel discussion early game so I don’t see this as a reason to sr them. I do understand why people would though.

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Noted for future scum games :innocent:

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Stop it
Stop it right now
I’m an open book
Points nerf gun

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Never! Mwahahaha!

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but it’s another thing I would do as scum, just poking at random shid

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