Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

Admittedly, if I looked back on games
Maybe I’ve done similar as town
But I’m looking through scum tinted glasses
(Not because I’m the mafosi mind you—
But because I’m looking for that sort of behavior)

Maybe they make good sunglasses
Ever thought of that?
That was not me confessing to being the mafosi


Don’t feel the need to :person_shrugging: it only concerned Caitlin and Arctic, and I think I made my opinion clear already.

Yeah this all seems pretty common sense
fakeclaiming someone is encryptor is useless because the mafia knows who the encryptor is

Nahh that’s crazy :sob::sob:

That’s insane

I was in class
And I have rehearsal innnnn nine minutes from me typing this

I don’t really understand the Caitlin sus
It all just kinda seems like they don’t know what they’re doing
Which is fair cuz iirc they said this would be their second game

Like that’s not an excuse sometimes but one of the things Arctic pointed out was like
“Pointless line of questioning”
But it just seemed like something a new person would ask

And also when Arctic said that Caitlin not understanding a joke is a joke was wolfy is insane :sob::sob: autistic people are DONE FOR!

Aaaand rehearsal is starting

Sometimes not always

Wolf wolf

Your voting Caitlin for being Caitlin lol

How often do you think i do this as town vs scum?

Having finished my work on detailing a chart on which Splatoon weapons are “sicko weapons” and which are “for freaks”, I am now ready to play the game. Having finally RANDED TOWN, I am now ready to start shaking up my own gameplay a little for my own entertainment. I got so, so goddamn bored in my last few games because, being a wolf, I had to just imitate what I’d always been doing. Can’t shake things up! They’ll kill you for that! I was much too scared! Let’s begin.

Guavagudetama is Towny. These “I don’t understand X sus” posts are surface-level wolfy, yes, and in a “town or mafia” quiz I’d hit the wolf button (I am very bad at “town or mafia” quizzes). However! Guava did not try to “ease in” to giving this read. It’s in a larger paragraph. It’s the first proper read Guava gives, and there’s not a sense that rain’s trying specifically to make it look like a casual observation, something that stands out to me a bit in their scumgames: they tend to give one-line reads in little bits and pieces, quoted one at a time.

But I’m so polarised… I could never win a wolfgame… you would truly choose to be COMPLETELY doomed to fail, by wolfing with me (May) (never won a wolfgame) (too polarised)

I think Zugzwang’s posts feel as if they have been carved carefully, and are therefore Wolfy. Some meta review may be in order, but I feel as though I am overly reliant on meta, and as though I played better without it. So I will pause on that for now and say that the posts feel like they are trying too hard to make jokes. Like a wolf would. Meanwhile I never have to try, because I’m always town. Wolfy

WindwardAway is, in these posts, fairly Towny. Willing to express a “the-rules-don’t-apply-to-me” attitude and admit to not having much to add. Openly hiding information is also towny, though I’m curious to see where the unshared read ends up. I will keep an eye on this. Provided that I remember to do so.

Garfooled is Towny. They made a Leafia-always-dies joke in their last wolfgame and I threw rocks at them for it. Showing this retroactive hesitation feels more like nuance in thoughts than trying to hedge, because a townread this early on isn’t something I think wolves would feel too scared about expressing.

Luka is Towny. Because I said so.

Arctic is Correct.

Arctic is defensive. That’s Towny enough for me for now. I am now Bored. I am going to play Splatoon. I am also going to vote Zugzwang. VOTE: Zugzwang Good night chat.


Someone probably answered this but Look At Me I’m So Townie

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Abbi tell Abbi tell

Caitlin (3): Arctic, Garfooled, Luka

One wolf in these 4 names

Abbi tell

Also I like lightly town read Luka just putting Cait at 3 after calling one of her posts towny for content generation…

Wanna mason?

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Have you thought that maybe she just believes what she’s saying and jokes don’t translate over the internet always?

I know I said I was done making Judgements in bold and capitalised text, but it is a lot of Fun, turns out. Abbi is Towny. Further explanation on this will wait until after I eat Dinner and play Splatoon. Hold me to that.

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Its her second game on FoL not ever

She knows what she’s doing she’s an amazing player but the wagon on her is ass tier

I eagerly await the reasoning so I can judge you based on how you judge me!

That’s meta!