Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

oh great thanks, I’m glad I don’t have to worry about figuring out your alignment anymore :+1:


i can attempt at towncasing them if you want
i know from experience that i am kinda bad at convincing people of mindset reads even when I’m right but I’ll try

(this is not a choice i’m doing it)

Anyway I bet there’s direction for me in this game yet but I gotta hunt it down. Induce the visions and such

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I’d prefer a wolfcase on somebody else to be honest

because I’m pretty sure I know everything you’re going to talk about and I can see how their eod is town motivated but what I actually want is to be sold on somebody else being a wolf

crying emoji
personally i can never be confident in any wolfcase I make because i’ve been completely sure so many times and been wrong
so i’m trying to find town mainly

I forgot to play 1 hour of silence occasionally interrupted by pikmin at eod

I just remembered this because it came up on my youtube feed again


lol is not a PR in case anyone was gonna ask


I could go through everyone’s iso in this game and explain why they are town but there’s 2 wolves somewhere so yeah this ain’t gonna help me lol

I won’t play more openly


VOTE: Garfooled

fyi I actually think garfooled looks towny off the exchange, although I have yet to fully analyze it

(and I do have a few lingering questions to ask)

I was quiet because I wasn’t in the mood to play the game
But also, my vote was on guava and guava’s vote was on me, so tbh I felt it was fine

Which exchange?

the one today

Ok, haven’t read it and I’m going to sleep soon, but I’ll have a chunk of time in the morning to mine through ISOs etc. I’ll do it then

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Me when I sign up for a playerlist full of people who are good at mafia and everyone is good at mafia


i might be confbiasing atp but town perspective

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