Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

I see, thank you! I explained above why I disagreed with this logic, and it def doesn’t apply to me at the very least, but I see.

I want to see Caitlin give thoughts on this, or at least attempt to before dismissing it as no explanation can be given. It is def not Caits first game tho, and they’re def a good player.

Kind of connecting things to past games / showing thinking, but this post still isn’t my favorite. If her start there was akward and she was town I see no reason to push it here ngl, however you did say it was slightly worse so ill let it pass.

This post surface level is townie but I still want the thoughts lol. I see no reason why it would hurt you to give your thoughts on this matter. All it does is fuel progression.

Where did they say this?

My vote at the very least is more for pressure as to anything else.

I agree that its weird in a sense, but I do also agree with the logic presented by why they would think that. Im not looking to much into it at the very least. This post gets a TL from guav for not following general consensis when that consensis is reasonable, but not a strong one. Id cait or guav flips scum look into the other.

Ive seen you do it like. 6 times as town and 1 time as scum(the latter you specifically asked me not cait despite cait being in the game) so id argue much more as town than scum. I also kinda have a meta reason for calling you good that I dont want to share.

This is probably the best opening so far. Just townie in general, id give this a town lean.

I disagree with the read but it is a meta read so I cant say much; overall it doesn’t feel forced yes but it doesn’t feel screaming pure either.

I have seen like 5 posts from you and I already want to be wolf with you so shrug

I once again disagree with this, I feel as though they come off naturally. However, coming off naturally early game is kinda nai imo; its mostly playstyle for early game agressiveness(I think Ive said this before). Id put Zug at null.

I will be holding you to it, but I do agree with this that it is townie. It is also easily fakable so im not really putting to much weight onto it; and id still like the information.

I agree, but I feel as though town wouldnt be hyper concerned with it either. Garfooled is townie tho; there posts come off as natural and townie alligned. I also had other reasons and I forgot…

Pocketing attempt spotted… roll charisma…

Being defensive isnt really townie or wolfy; both allignments are defensive.
Thoughts on May: Bit worried about a potential pocket, disagree with a few of there reads. Despite that, early game comprehension of what’s going on and progressing the game with a gamestate + pointng things out that nobodys pointied out(that I agree with) is townie. Town lean on May’s slot.

Why would you town read me for this? Wouldnt that be scummy?

Hmmm… Sure! Abbi locked town

I will.

Applying pressure isn’t really a weak reason.

Cait is a scary player and I cannot read her very well, so I’ll trust this meta read somewhat given we’re masoning.

She openly said at the start of her post that she cant do things differently as wolf as thatl get her scum read or something similar; overall id say it leans good were this to be true.

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Sign up thread
Though May has informed me that it’s her second game on this site, I thought she said it was her second game ever

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Second game here
They’ve played on forums before

As May and Arctic have already told me


She’s very experienced yup yup yup
She’s one of the best mafia players ive ever seen yup yupyup

Dayum does everyone know her but me :sob::sob:

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To be clear the “hold me to that” was about actually leaving thread and eating dinner. I have bad habits. I ate dinner so nobody needs to hold me to anything anymore. I’m not explaining the Abbi read because I Don’t Want To.

[I could explain the Abbi read if anyone is genuinely confused but it’s pretty self-explanatory I think. She is very indignant and pushy and not unwilling to let bias show and it’s towny. She moves so energetically. It’s towny.]

[Also, Luka, if you’re interested in any further pocketing, I signed up like 50-75% because I read like 5 posts of yours in Owl House and already wanted to play mafia with you. This is in square brackets because I am modifying the Blood on the Clocktower setup right now.]


MU is hard for me to use on mobile so I played champs on there for drww (because I was the ONLY nom :sob::sob:) and then never touched it again

Bylamir accepted his nomination as a joke and then got more votes than me and then quit and I ended up playing

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My break is over
See y’all in like an hour and a half

Townie post; dont think Arctic / Abbi paired for this at the very least. I kinda agree to so shrug.

I see, thank you. Can somebody here verify the meta who’s played with arctic before? Either way clearly thought put into it; doesnt feel like the read stems from TMI.

Masoning with me but not adding me >:C

Lmao. This made me laugh, ty

They’re my weakest town lean atp from what i’ve seen thus far, but they’re still a town lean. In hindsight though it. probably wasn’t strong enough to put it as high as it was or arguably should still be null. Mostly because I cant figure out why I put them that high other than I. just did.

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I can see that
If I squint a bit, yeah that’s fair

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Omg May locked town now
(Jokes aside idt scum says “If you’re interested in any futher pocketing”. I am still wary of a pocket but im going to cast aside rthat wariness recklessly!
Read List No.2

  • Abbi
  • May

Town Lean

  • Arctic
  • Garfooled
  • Windrad(Very weak; but still strong enough to be here. Once again want more content)


  • Everybody Else
  • @caitlin can we get more content from you ty @guavagudetama same with you, I dont have enough meta on you to give a read but id love more content(when youre free ofc, irl comes first, this is 4 hours into the game I should not be pressuring for content)
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FTR according to lune if you post a read list D1 youre going to post 5 more so im currently 2/6 lets go

You can see it? Thank god, you can see it. Could you explain to the rest of the class what I mean, or at least what you think I mean

I did this as Inquisitor
I don’t know if that counts though
Solo evil and all

okay guys 178/1000 posts we can do it

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It’s like
Not flowy
But like
“[Blank] lol”
“Don’t post over 1000”
“[Blank] and [Blank] aren’t w/w”

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Does the new PFP translate well