Stratagem-15 FM - MAFIA VICTORY

VOTE: Garfooled

I feel like this is the wolfiest vote in Caitlin and the Caitlin wagon is making me want to vomit its just so yucky.

I will admit that I’m biased towards my girlfriend

However. This wagon formed way too fast for way too weak reasons.

Why does the vote count show Luka having 2 votes

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wolves are usually more worried about responding to things seriously. doesn’t apply to everyone, but in general it’s held true in my experience

this is not their second game. if they were new i would probably not be scumreading them. but they have tons of experience lol, they mostly play on MU. that’s why I don’t really believe they would actually think me posting about cop cover was LAMIST and the thought about zug being alive on day 2

im not sure there is an explanation for agreeing to the zug townread given their earlier posts, either?

i guess the joke point may not be AI because yeah but i’m confident everything else there is >rand wolf to some degree

well i’ll see what she does later. i’m not condemning her for the bad start because i found her opener awkward the last time i played with her and she was town there (although it wasn’t as bad as here imo)


Her start here wasn’t even bad lol

Trying to start the actual game and jump through RVS > rand towny

Everything in this game is readable her reading into things and skipping rvs is good not evil. Wolf Caitlin just hides in rvs

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may did the thing that she used to do in her wolfgames before she leveled up, which was coming in and posting a big wall of vaguely TMI’ey reads then disappearing

but like i said
she leveled up her wolfgame and fooled me for most of the last game where she was a wolf. and didn’t really do this. so i’m not sure she just goes back to doing this as mafia. especially because she knows i used to catch her instantly when she did this.

in conclusion idk

luka and garfooled feel like pretty easy town for level 1 reasons

This is a lot of words to say something that could’ve been said in like one sentence and it’s… very hedgy.


thats towny for me [citation needed]

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Also no seriously am I high or is the vote count broken

I await the citation

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how good are you at reading her

i know of zero mafia couples that can actually read each other so

This kind of shit actually pisses me off so much lol

About as good as I am at reading anyone so > rand

Not perfect. But I’m not perfect on anyone except Rem I’d trust myself more than anyone else in this lobby though.

Arctic tends to act defensive and indignant as town in a way that I think is strictly against his benefit in terms of not getting voted out. I really don’t have enough sample size of his wolfgames to know if this is the case, but it seems like the kind of thing that one would tone back if, you know, not getting voted out is one’s wincon. It’s not the strongest of reads, hence why it’s called “Towny enough for me for now” even in a no-hedging-allowed earlygame reads post, but it’s a thought I had.

You tend to act defensive and indignant as town in a way that I think is strictly against your benefit in terms of not getting voted out. I really don’t have enough sample size of your wolfgames to know if this is the case, but it seems like the kind of thing that you would tone back if, you know, not getting voted out is your wincon. It’s not the strongest of reads, hence why it’s called “Towny enough for me for now” even in a no-hedging-allowed earlygame reads post, but it’s a thought I had.

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This feels so weird… but believable I think to me…

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Town Core of 7 not including myself so I can sure is auto

So I’m gonna build that



Knocking on the door

I actually did that in my past wolfgames because that’s how I like playing town. That’s how I tend to play offsite. That’s how I imagined my towngames. The reality was that I was usually much more scattered and offhand around here, for multiple reasons, and upon realising that I was like “damn, that’s the problem, I should be playing better as town”, but I randed wolf three times in a row, so all I really could do was imitate the scattered-to-the-wind version of myself that I was in the past. Now I get to change things up. And open with what is both a wallpost full of reads given before dipping, and an esoteric towncase on you. I actually explicitly scumread you last game because I knew you’d caught me off towncases twice. Who’s the wolf now, wolfreadboy


Anyway, I think the broader thoughts floating around on Zug are currently that he’s towny, so let’s talk about that more, chat, shall we?

I feel like he’s thinking too much about the fact that he’s making reads. I think my read might come in no small part because…

…he’s repeating something over and over again in his posts, which I tend to do as a stress habit(, nya), which I am not sure is a read that is very broadly applicable outside myself. Most people do not have my specific brand of issues.

Even with that aside, I think his posts are weird. He announces he’s leaving thread very loudly. He goes all “don’t make me come back to 1000 posts”. It doesn’t feel like an organic shape to me. It’s not a sharp one, either. It is like… half a footprint. To me. Warped strangely. How could you all townread someone whose posts warp strangely

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OH gagged