Pretty sure I’ve mentioned at least one other scumread or two but fair enough. Here’s my other reads so far.











There you have it. The readslist of a cute Leafeon villager.

I was talking about how Marluna does. I just didn’t feel like having lots of Marluna quotes showing how she did.

T/W far more likely.

I’ve been a bit too busy with RL to pay as much attention as I’d like to.this game and with me being innanother game that’s starting soon…yeah, you know.

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I promise not to won’t copy your answers.

The first part reads to me like a pocket attempt, and the second paragraph is just bad. It kinda just reads like an excuse to waste executions.

Further Possible Pockets

I’m pretty sure Leafia does this a lot of evil, trying to cozy up with any town leaders long enough to kill them and live off their legacies. That is not to say her townread on Litten is unwarranted, but I think the way in which she’s trying to closely align her thoughts with Litten and kinda hide behind him is… concerning.

Especially with this post coming first. It’s like Leafia was planning to side with Litten before the game even began.

If Leafia’s purpose was to dissuade people from claiming, there wouldn’t have been a need to suggest implementing a threat.

She doesn’t back down, which is why I initially townread her. She didn’t question this townread, which is understandable, but Leafia can be combative as either alignment so it feels slightly out of character. Am I wrong? I might be wrong

Someone might remember my thoughts from last game about anyone who positions themselves as a towny in this manner. Furthermore, Leafia cares about the box and might be trying to tamper with the box… it might be fine, but it feels like a red flag.

Hi Leafia. This is my present to you

You made this up on the spot

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Magnus you are 24 hours ahead of schedule

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I can’t do this during the night, can I?

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I’m not feeling so well today, so I’m not quite up to extensive casing, but it does feel like Leafia is acting inconsistent here, and I don’t like it. Her opinions feel surface-level, like she doesn’t have any real underlying thoughts behind them- Hi Litten. Is Leafia in the box or something

leafia is so far out of the box lol

That’s what I thought.

leafia actually hasn’t tampered either the box at all, been very transparent about their place outside the box too

that being said they are in my poe for a reason, they haven’t done anything I should town read them for lol

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I appreciate the confidence.

Though I agree with them on many points, May’s play here is pretty typical of them, though that makes them hard to read. It’s almost like they’re putting up a mask of impersonating their own past gameplay, making it difficult to read them.

I won’t press further for now, as I trust in our masonry, but it is something I would like to keep an eye on.

That being said, I’m happy to work with them for now on a VOTE: Leafia, if that’s what they want. These wagons need to be cleaned up a little.

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I do actually do that a lot as scum, but this is more me agreeing with Litten here. I don’t know how exactly I’d respond to that plan as a wolf.

You do know how much people love claiming on this site, don’t you?

This reads as someone trying to shade someone for no good reason honestly.

I did not.


And believe me, I think I’ve made myself pretty findable this game so it puzzles me why people can’t see it. Selfmeta bad though.

leafia v

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Litten, could you refresh my mind as to who is currently in the box?

Kiiruma and Eliza/wiz


I didn’t say they were v off cause I thought they were power role
If they ever claim power role you just kill them because it’s clearly a lie
I thought they were v based off their last two posts, I can be wrong about this, but it’s enough for me to shrug and think about other people today

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i don’t think this is
an actual thing

Going to call it a night now,so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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the way you phrased it, anyways

I’m quite sure you did not comment about this scumlean any time earlier today

Could you elaborate on this part?