@Magnus Could you tell me more about what makes you townread Garfooled? I’m a bit confused about the point you were making earlier and would appreciate having it all in one post.

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I’m going to head to sleep in about ten minutes. If I do not have a response by :30, I’ll be posting my conclusions and leaving for the night. I’ll likely be pretty absent tomorrow because of my Splatoon tournament, though I think I’ll be able to pop in. Wolfily, of course.


I assume you reread the thread while making this readlist?

I reread up till post 400

F in the chat

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I’ll give the game up: I’m currently trying to assess the probability of a Garfooled/Zenon world, specifically because Garfooled didn’t take Zenon out of his PoE when the rest of us did.

Obviously, this can be adequately explained by not understanding the mechanics that were being softed, but I also think that if Zenon is wolf, their wolfbuddy would know the clear on her was fake, and might show that in thread.

I also think that Garfooled’s consistent “vibe scumread” on Zenon, which he can’t seem to justify with any specific posts, fits the profile of a TMI read on a wolfbuddy, and the fact that he’s chosen to vote Leafia and Magnus over Zenon is not a particularly good look.

Sanity check, that would make the wagons look like this:

Which seems pretty plausible to me, honestly. Major trains were town, a wolf on the misexecution, a wolf not voting.

I will admit that this is an easy world to conceive of, as it doesn’t require me to wolfread Magnus (which is difficult, given we’ve always been T/T in the past), or Leafia (someone I suspect every game and have misexecuted a few times now), but I think it’s likely enough to be worth pursuing. I’d like to hear others’ thoughts here, because trial by town square is a good exercise to determine a case’s weaknesses.

On the side of Zenon, her tone here doesn’t particularly read like Starcraft’s, but I also know that she’s a player who has a lot of ability to observe her past wolfgames and shake them up, and I know she had pretty low motivation in that particular game. I think her reaction to Kiiruma’s “townclear” is how a wolf would react to a bad clear - knowing it would in all likelihood be revealed to be fake, she placed her vote on the easiest-to-suspect townie, Leafia (I think it’d be Garfooled if he were town, which is more evidence for the Neon/Gar world), and tried to avoid spewing anything or looking too proud of herself.

Now that Gar’s clarified that he doesn’t scumread Zenon above Leafia and Magnus, I feel a little better about him, but since that readlist took so long to make, it must have been pretty thought-out. Claiming to have reread the beginning of thread is realistic enough. Read this entire paragraph in your best “trying not to confbias” voice.

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U consider that a while?
Well then lol

It took me three minutes to respond to your reads with a request for a readlist, but twenty minutes for you to compile that list. I was expecting you to just quickly order your existing reads, not read back through thread to make new ones. In that context, yes, 20 minutes is a while. However, your justification for taking that long, as I noted, is believable.

I don’t think even as a wolf, that list would take me a while to make

I’ve been consistently reading Leafia and Magnus as scum above Zenon

It wouldn’t make sense as both Town and Wolf to but Zenon as topscum

Yes, I know. That’s why I mentioned at the end of the post that your readlist makes me feel better about you. I’m not sure why you’re reading my reaction to it as an accusation; I had this post typed out well before you gave that list.

I had a justification?
I don’t remember that.
No I wasn’t in this thread at all.


You literally just said you were rereading the thread while making that readlist. Did you do that reread prior to my request that you order your reads, then?


Oh… Whoops

I misread that

U said while

So you didn’t reread the thread in between these two posts?

Nope, I wasn’t here

I wasn’t living and breathing this thread

Alright, makes sense, thank you. That makes it slightly less towny, but I appreciate the honesty here, and the three minutes it took me to ask for ordered tiers was time enough that I believe you could have wandered off.

I’m jealous.

In any case, my issue wouldn’t be solely that you took a while to make the readlist, just that you saw my question and decided to take a break rather than answer it. It’s an “if you are currently present, will you respond quickly and in real-time to quick real-time questions about your reads?”, something that wasn’t the best test of, given, again, my follow-up question was three minutes after your initial post.

I’m going to go to real bed sleep now. If you see me in thread, kill me. This bypasses the order I had previously given to redirect all assassination attempts on me to Litten (who has requested they be redirected to Eevee).


I didn’t see ur request

I was :crab: gone :crab:

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