U said while

So you didn’t reread the thread in between these two posts?

Nope, I wasn’t here

I wasn’t living and breathing this thread

Alright, makes sense, thank you. That makes it slightly less towny, but I appreciate the honesty here, and the three minutes it took me to ask for ordered tiers was time enough that I believe you could have wandered off.

I’m jealous.

In any case, my issue wouldn’t be solely that you took a while to make the readlist, just that you saw my question and decided to take a break rather than answer it. It’s an “if you are currently present, will you respond quickly and in real-time to quick real-time questions about your reads?”, something that wasn’t the best test of, given, again, my follow-up question was three minutes after your initial post.

I’m going to go to real bed sleep now. If you see me in thread, kill me. This bypasses the order I had previously given to redirect all assassination attempts on me to Litten (who has requested they be redirected to Eevee).


I didn’t see ur request

I was :crab: gone :crab:

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I know. That’s what I’m saying.

Cue the assassins, please.


No ur staying alive cus I TR u above Sulit now

Which might seem dumb but I’m going with it

I’m honoured. Please kill me in real life anyway. They can find a sub for my slot.

That’s tempting
We would get the one piece guy

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I guess I didn’t really notice that too much while reading their iso? They come off to me as a player with the play style of posting short and sweet little posts, is this typical of them?

I disagree tbh, I feel like their reasoning was fairly specific ina towny way, I don’t think a wolf would follow the same train of thought like Garf did if that makes sense. It’s not a bad take, but the way Garf handles the slot doesn’t feel like a wolf with TMI, as I don’t think a wolf would come up with that kind of reasoning if that makes sense.

My read on you has remained pretty strong. I didn’t really waver on it, I just wanted to go back through your iso to reevaluate as you had posted more than when I first made my read

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Couldn’t sleep and don’t make me laugh Garfooled.

It’s exactly that.

It’s mostly how he has been acting towards my slot as well as how he has been during D1 in regards to what you noticed. I noticed it too. Then there’s how he was still trying to keep Zenon out of the towncore despite us all thinking that Kiiruma was the hider that hid behind Zenon last night, which didn’t sit well with me at all.

It felt to me like a wolf trying to keep the PoE as wide as possible, which the wolves are going to have to do this game if they want even the slimmest chance of winning.

No. I was town in the GI game.

Hmmmm, I think a scumteam of Zenon/Garfooled is plausible. Not sure how likely though.

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The difference mainly comes down to Leafia’s behaviour. If Garfooled is evil, if I’m the Hider, there can’t be much harm in testing Leafia like she wanted. She’s probably good in that world and it reduces the POE further. If Garfooled is good, that would indicate that Leafia is probably evil and there’s no chance I would want to hide behind her; you’re only maybe aligned with Leafia, and she is plausibly aligned with Sulit.

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I thought he was just saying that.

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My read on Garfooled has admittedly gone back and forth a couple times. I cannot say I townread Garfooled in good conscience, although I felt like he was laying on his unawareness a tad thick for a mafia team who managed to fire a claimvig. His defence isn’t terrible; his points against Leafia, such as her wanting to be checked, are sound; the fact that he seemingly missed numerous conversations happening in the thread line up with what I remember of him in Need For Speed, but I don’t think it was to this extent.

He is honest. Saying that he was voting Leafia over me earlier because he thought Leafia would be an easier execution? That’s extremely honest.

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First things first; May’s suddenly town for coming up with a random world that nobody else was considering instead of just going with whatever seemed most plausible.
Secondly; this random world caught me off guard. Zenon was entirely removed from my POE because I assumed they were actually confirmed. Y’know, charisma and things, and any person who said she wasn’t confirmed was just being a hater, to put it into words that only some people get.
Setting that aside…

The extent of Garfooled’s suspicion on Zenon came from only today, and stemmed from Leafia and I calling her town. This would logically make sense from an order of progression if he’s going Leafia > Magnus > Zenon, if his top two scumreads were randomly townreading a third player that he felt was being more passive than usual.

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This paragraph emulates the average villager’s mindset of wanting the people they like to be town, which influences their reads and worldview. Given how May agreed to pressure Leafia yesterday, I don’t think this can be W/W with Leafia.

I hardclaim Devil’s Advocate, I am safe from execution today.

I mean, Neon did claim to be evil in her opening and in her last post. Anyway, Neon’s reasoning to vote Leafia at the start of today was because she didn’t believe the Wiz wagon could be clean, which works from a villager’s point of view. I’m not sure what her reads are, and she hasn’t been playing like in Helluva Boss either.