Fair enough.

I have to know. I need to know everything. I can’t just stop thinking about something if I don’t yet understand it in its entirety. Mechanical speculation haunts me because of these unknowns. My obsession with total comprehension leads me to make bad assumptions for the sake of letting that specter rest, because I am comforted by the idea that I might be able to make a final call. It doesn’t matter too much to my mind whether that final call is right or wrong.

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Choose a number between 1-10. This is alignment indicative.
Everyone else should do this too

I pick 1. You asked a lot of nonsensical questions in AI UPick, you know. I don’t recall it as much in your towngames.

Eliza didn’t say anything worth a shot either, for what it’s worth.

I’m entertained too. I’m willing to be thexecution for today if you really think it’ll hel pl. I will say that if I’m the hider though and we execute a villager besides me, I won’t hide behind anyone tonight. Not going to risk it.


Your impression of me is disturbingly accurate.

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If I’m the Hider, I will hide behind myself so I can’t die unless I would die


Reason: It’s my favorite and lucky number.

Laughs I love this! ^_^

But 7 ate 9

Worth the mafia’s standard shot, you mean?

I’m aware of that.

I just won’t be 9,
I choose 6

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Makes sense. You’tre afraid of me it seems.

You’re placing yourself on a podium at the very top. Mafia proclaim themselves to be the master of this game, and you’re drawing attention by placing yourself on a similar position.

The human brain can only remember individuals until there are seven of them. Any more and the brain will perceive them as a group, rather than individuals. You are trying to stay out of the spotlight, which is something that Mafia would do. Secondly, 007 is the number of James Bond, who often carries a gun. The Mafia also kill using firearms.

Worth the claimvig.

How do you know?