I don’t think Litten placing only two players in the box was actually claimviggable anymore, so if he was claimvigged, it’s for something I haven’t spotted yet: either claiming VT (which would mean he just… didn’t find the Drunk, and didn’t make an effort to do so), or claiming Drunk (which I’ll have to look more closely for).

I’ve decided that I actually hate claimvigs that require subjective calls on what counts as “softing”. I’m writing this down in my book of mafia opinions.

I’ve checked with Zone. The claimvig can kill if their target says they are a specific role; if they aren’t VT or PR; or if they cross out all other options.

This would just be TMI on Leafia’s end

Eliza was the Vigilante.
Litten was the Drunk.
Kiiruma is the Hider.

Eliza shot Marluna last night, and was killed by the mafia’s standard shot. Litten did something that was considered softing his role, and was claimvigged. Kiiruma hid behind someone last night and hasn’t told us who.


  • Kiiruma has no reason not to give us his target as a conditional at this point. An extra clear is extremely valuable.
  • I don’t know that Litten did anything considered softing his role.

Unless I can solve both these problems, the theory has to be discarded.

Oh no

Except bluffing is considered a viable option anyway, so…

If Marluna was the Hider, this might be considered claimviggable, given she forgot to add the conditional to this statement.

If Marluna was the Hider, she misunderstood her role here, but my reading comprehension isn’t allowing me to figure out exactly what her error was, so I don’t know if that’s plausible or not.

If Marluna was the hider and was claimvigged… Litten and Eliza were shot by the mafia standard shot and vigilante, in some order. Eliza could not have been the vig unless she shot Litten. Litten had to have been VT or FPSing not using his role.

SOMEONE MISPLAYED SOMEWHERE. Somebody. I don’t know whether it was Litten not throwing a party or Marluna getting claimvigged or Eliza shooting Litten or Kiiruma not giving us our clear or the real vig idling or not telling us they shot Eliza or or or. There’s so many damn points of failure and I don’t like it one bit. I hate this dance we have to do. I hate it so much

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Ok so…
I want that conditional clear
I assume they’ll say that they didn’t want that person dead and want us to follow their vote

@Kiiruma If you are the hider, would you be willing to tell us who you hid behind last night? Feel free to say no.

I will not be able to be super active during eod probably, as someone has mistaken my luggage as their own and now I must go find and get it somehow…

I don’t believe that Litten would put two players in the box and say nothing about it if he was VT. I’m willing to take that as a given. I’m willing to say Litten was the Drunk.

However, that requires he misplayed somewhere, either FPSing and not using his ability last night, or slipping up and getting claimvigged somewhere.

None of this is getting me any closer to who I want to vote out today, and we only have an hour and a half left. I am in hell. @Magnus, why would you free me from my mech spec ban? Why would you do this to me? Why would you torment me so? I’m not asking this as a mafia player, I’m saying it as a friend. Mech spec is wretched for my mental well-being. I am in hell.

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That restriction was there for my own good. And now I am without it.

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Are you still in your tournament?

No, we already lost. We did manage to meet and win against the one other team we knew going in to the tournament, so that was fun. Plus, I’ve never been in a proper tournament before, only informal ones organized by friends of mine.

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@Litten Come back


I think we’d all love it if Litten was still alive right now. The issue with Marluna being a pr though was that she didn’t play like a pr would snd was against Litten D1.

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The fact that she was against Litten’s plan is what makes me consider the world in which she was PR. I don’t think she would have specifically sought out to play in the distinctive, PR-manner we were requested to if she was against that plan.


I’m dead no matter what tonight in most cases. Leafia’s conditional struck me as a repeat performance from Nightmare Woods, and there’s probably an evil between her and Garfooled. Killing Leafia, if she is the Hider, also reduces the chance of an instant game over by parity and outs Kiiruma.
If Marluna was claimvigged, that just means Leafia is lying and was demonstrating TMI by saying the Hider was dead. I think the closer to EOD we get, the more frantic she will be if she’s bad.

I think Leafia is probably the most reasonable choice of kill for today. I think it resolves most of our problems, and she’s socially rather sus. If I were free from that wretched specter that haunts me, mechanical speculation, that’s what I would do.

However, you have released that specter upon me again, and now I don’t want to make a call until I perfectly understand the mech here, which will probably never happen. If you say the word, I’ll seal the mechanical speculation back in its tomb and vote Leafia. You released it. Only you have the power to send it away.