You just need someone to start another EIMM here

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Sorry we couldn’t win :(

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I’m proud of this town even though we lost

It happens, it hurts a bit.
But as Achro said, I shouldn’t be so results oriented.

We had a real good moment there D3.
And I was correctly confirmed as town and working with others pretty alright.


You correctly identified Leafia as evil and pressed her, you made your alignment apparent, you were capable of prioritising your reads and weren’t pushed around, and you were active the entire game


Iplayed an EiMM once Iwent insanea nd died it was awesome

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no I wouldn’t join
I would get murdered really fast
Not to mention if I don’t get murdered I would probably be in the same spot as last time and I didn’t really like being in the spot despite winning

im happy we got to play a game together Litten poggers

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I got super rabid in buddycop chat like “this one person is KILLING us he is getting us KILLED we need to MURDER him” and my partner was all nooooo what’s up with you May he’s fine we’re fine don’t kill him

You’ll never believe who shot us. To death.

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breaks are awesome you get to spend time originally dedicated towards arguing on a forum to try and find people with a different colored piece of text than you doing stuff like napping or napping

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I’m so results oriented.

I track my mafia stats and they depress me

I’m 3 and 13 as town on FoL.

But F5 was fire

insomnia hates naps

I had a break from fol recently.

I just played elsewhere to get my wolf rands out of the way. I am back to my home away from home.


CONSIDER: lying in bed with your eyes closed without sleeping

I’m insanely results oriented too. I track my W/L ratios on a discord for a different mafia-ish game

Oh no.
So next time I’m a wolf I’m gonna have to play against Achro.

Time to get a wolf game soon hopefully. I haven’t had one in a while

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Thanks!! I did feel proud of that read but I got paranoid bcus I’m not used to votes being locked and Zenon and Kiiruma went ham on voting

My advice is to note why the results happened. I tracked most of my town losses to dying n1 and playing emotionally. Thus the player you see today.

The results are meaningless if you don’t have detailed notes of the why behind things.

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@May you did the thing