First mafia win after the streak and Town still had a very good chance



Yes my Magnus impression is shot right now but forgive me I’m very tired.

I’m narrative oriented I get really mad if my games don’t tell a proper story. They have to tell a story. I need to lose in a poetic manner I need to die to my own hubris there has to be some lesson I can take out of the game.

I think the lesson here is stop hard trusting anybody who consistently scumreads you. Which I think has been a lesson of several previous games of mine. I don’t actually need to learn the lesson it just needs to be there

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I’ll be happy if the odds are more even than they used to be

this is the swingiest setup i’ve ever seen if town won this i would have straight up resubmitted looming threat in its full glory



Good question honestly.

I think you mean D3.

Gives you a comforting leafhug I think you did great myself.


Thanks. ^_^ I think this wss my best scum game yet.


I think you shoild take a break from the site.

Welcome back.

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All we needed was for FK to pick someone safe and things would’ve went quite different :stuck_out_tongue:
Such as Zenon, ironically.

Also I did keep my postcount reasonable and my iso clean this game which is a big plus I’ve been needing to do that lately. And I correctly townread Garfooled and pivoted off the incorrect world.

I was going a little insane in my mech spec box and it caused me to scumread Magnus which sucked ass but I explicitly said that scumreading Magnus was a result of my “I can’t understand the game with my current assumptions, flip my most deep-set one” instinct, which I already know causes me problems, so it’s not like that’s an Unknown To Me issue

I am still malding about that post being claimviggable as I was literally. Presenting a world I thought was wrong, I wasn’t saying it was true, it was a hypothetical I legitimately was claiming was impossible it wasn’t a VT claim also if PRs are supposed to be hiding it’s only NATURAL for them to speculate others’ roles that should NOT have been claimviggable

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Yeah. If Litten hadn’t died N1 by hiding behind Sulit, things would likely have gone very differently.

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Also massive Ws from my earlygame reads gotta say it


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The box is a state of mind.

boxed in

Shhhh don’t worry abou tit. It’s okay. Litten’s plan isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Go back to sleep

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not happening

the box is where your enemies go

the funniest part was when zone told me he has no idea what the box was when I tried asking him if wiz could anti claim me for saying I’m in the box lol

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the 3 different responses only concern me further

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My best evil performances aren’t even from Mafia, tbh. I’m in a DR murder mystery server.
I am surprisingly capable of imagining creative murder plots and getting away with them

Now good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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