That’s why I’m putting you in the box alongwith Eliza and kiru. You don’t have to directly say that yourself. This might help us figure out wolves too who are acting confident to be put in the box and that includes you as well. (If we go with your plan).

I’m stuck on the box and my idea because it give less room for wolves to put themselves into the box.

There are, what, 11 people in the game? And wolves want to put one of their own into a pool of three other people? That’s fine with me.


If you are a power role, now is your time to figure out which person doesn’t belong in the box, and go from there. You already know in your mind that you are a power role, if you are one, so

That being said, don’t outright claim whether you are a power role if you are one, nor outright deny it

Well, I got a “yes” from hosts so yeah I take my point back now and you can go with my yeet…lol


I am not really in the business of executing power roles though, so if you are one, it’s your turn to make it obvious without claiming it lol

Was I that confident with my plan?

I am getting mixed signals from you, you need to either send a constant 1 or a constant 0 instead of oscillating so we can go from there

I think I already answered your question somewhere. Lemme find that comment.

That was just a statement of your disagreeing with the box plan and wanting no part in it, right, not a claim as to whether or not you belong in the box?

I am unsure whether or not that’s because you just don’t want to be killed at night or whether that is a denial of being a power role

But regardless
I’ll ignore it

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God, no. I meant, put my name out of the box…lol

so if you are a PR you disagree with the plan

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VOTE: Marluna
Again I guess

To be clear, making a statement as to whether one’s self belongs in the box is a bad idea, as it will get you killed by the claim vig.

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I don’t disagree with the plan. However, I don’t want to be killed either.

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ima be real I’m not actually joking wiz has been so contradictory about whether or not they want in the box that I’m not really sure whether it’s a denial or not lmao

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Yeah, figured that out now!

Gosh! Where am I contradicting myself. I already said, put me out of the box. Clear.