it’s pro mafia because your idea gives scum the necessary proof to test whether someone is a power role by shooting them

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Which they can do with your idea as well

no they can’t
the anti claim can only shoot someone who truthfully claims their role. no one has claimed whether they belong in the box, people have made assumptions, and assumptions are terrible at being bad assumptions.

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And still you have not answered did hosts tell you that saying, “I’m in the box” indicative of claiming PR?

The host doesn’t exist, only the mechanics exist. You should be concerned about how the mechanic works, not what the host says about the mechanics.

The mechanic doesn’t say that it will accept, “I’m in the box” as indicative of PR claim.

I am telling you how the mechanic works though.

It changes with how hosts handle it that’s why I asked if hosts confirmed it.

Players are expected to pretend the host doesn’t exist.

Eh! There is no point in arguing because I have made my point and I don’t think your idea is necessarily bad but I don’t feel my idea is wolfy either. I will ask this question to hosts before arguing with you on this point.

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Fwiw I think it’s wolfy because your plan just leads to town almost always losing unless the claim vigilante dies d1

I don’t see any difference between my and your plan except my plan is more reliable and chances of wolves putting themselves into the box is low.

But ofcourse that depends on what hosts answers to my question.

dying on this hill will be painful wiz is it really worth it

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No threats! Wiz is used to dying🙂

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I don’t make threats I make promises

You make terrible promises then!

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Also this incorrect
Mafia cannot anti-claim me as

  1. I didn’t claim my role. People are assuming that I’m power role for questionable reasons, but confirming or denying those roles would be detrimental to me regardless of what the actual truth is, so I am taking the executive decision of ignoring their assumptions.

Do you think that if a player were to say “I am a power role” but in Spanish, the host wouldn’t accept that as an anti claim? The phrase “I am in the box” means the same thing as what you would have written in Spanish.

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As I said, I will first hear from hosts before automatically assuming that because “box” is not another language, it’s something you created to put PRs into. But fine, if the hosts answer with yes with as confidence as you then I’m taking my point back.

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Fair enough. For what it’s worth, you are really getting stuck on the box part. The box is just an imaginary construct, what really matters is the fact that it’s a non-existing space in our mind where we can shove the people who we believe are acting as power roles in. By claiming that you belong into this space, you are claiming that you are a power role, because you are operating under the assumption that only power roles are in this box.

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