We have a 1f1 handed over on a platter rn

I don’t buy Leafia’s AtE thing, they never show suspicion towards Kiiruma and now they’re counterclaiming

I just had a horrible nightmare where the scumteam was Leafia / Sulit, we killed Garfooled and the game ended immediately

Listen to ur nightmares
ghost noise

True. It’s a bit unnerving how he’s treating Zenon honestly. I only didn’t look too hard at him because I thought he was a PR, but I’m no longer so sure he is one.

They’ve been soft claiming ur PR…
They claim they’ve got a confirmed person that they won’t reveal, is what I got

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Nope. If he does, then scum has a chance. You just want mme dead soyou have a better chance at victory and no one has been sussing Kiiruma today. Plus, misexeing here won’t immediately cause the game to end although it’ll be bad for us. You’re just a wolf most likely.

We haven’t been following Litten’s plan huh? ;-;

There’s more than one PR this game Garfooled.

You’re not in the box.

If Litten was a PR they could literally not put them selves in the box. And I think they were one.

That’s the impression I got anyway

Softclaiming or suggesting PR is almost perfectly in your Mafia meta lmao

You’re not the one to decide that but good job trying to get me to hardclaim so that anticlaimvig can kill me. I may or may not belong in the box. That’s for my fellow villagers to decide.

@Kiiruma Come on here and help me out with this.

If this is true, they’re hardcore pocketing u
U can’t be T/W here

I can’t argue with you there but it’s also in my villager meta as well.

Or wait can u?
I just mean, if Leafia flips T, u cannot be W

If we’re V/W or V/V, I am almost always a villager in this equation. That more or less means I’m a villager no matter what.
I already knew that

Unless Leafia’s saying the Hider is dead, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions here.

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This is correct.