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It would mean I don’t have to make a decision in ExLo, which might actually be based, but I try not to allow myself to get lazy like that.

Is Magnus the mafia

Is that what’s going on. I can’t seem to case people properly assuming Magnus is town. So are they the mafia? Or is my casing suffering

It feels they have been to eager to take the Maysonry as gospel. Throughout the game, their treatment of my slot has been so passive. They’ll verbally sus me on occasion, but it always feels so toothless, especially for a game where I’ve significantly changed up my playstyle. It feels like a wolf trying not to antagonize a townie who has been their ally.

The issue here is that the game is in such a late stage with one damn day of content to think on. This is evil. Too many night deaths. I can paint any picture. There’s not enough information to box a team in.

The teaming has me going ???
Magnus thinks Leafia’s meta is pushing their teammates yet never suspects us as W/W?
Leafia softing PR when they’re not in the box?
They’re both scum
Otherwise Magnus would call what me and Leafia have going on theatre and Leafia is just… Trying to survive

The “I’m scared” has me baffled too, whaaaaat??
What is that?

And how is that what convinces Zenon?
Why does Zenon change their vote there?

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Because as of right meow

I kinda believe Leafia is PR


good mooornin

mrrr this post is towny

so is this one :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I hate self doubt

Nope. Also, Zone got back to me finally and this next bit isn’t antivigclaimable. I’m either the hider or the hider is dead. If I’m the hider then I hid behind Magnus N1 and if we execute a villager if I’m the hider, I won’t hide behind anyone tonight so the wolves won’t have the chance to kill me alongside another villager. Whether or not I’m being truthful about that or not if I’m the hider will be up to the wolves to decide.


a. Kiiruma being evil would make sense. I’m literally mid tournament RN though

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I am intrigued

Just win faster :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Leafia has shown zero suspicion towards Kiiruma

It doesn’t add up