Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

200+ posts in, I expect Leafia who has been in thread since the start to have something more than 0 town reads/town leans/good feelings and 3 omgus suspects.

Unfortunately I must go to work now

I know you will all miss me terribly

You’re welcome.

Post 190 isnt bad

It is based on my experience with Leafia. She sounds like a carbon copy of her last wolf game I nailed her in so I have to take that into account. Got any suspects atm?

To be fair Chris - this game is still extremely young, and I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect Leafia to name anyone else other than the people who have voted her as suspects, given that I think that half the thread still hasn’t posted yet.

Her reaction to pressure isn’t really the thing I’m wolfreading her for.

What I am concerned by is her shift in tone from her opening posts, which I believe to resemble her wolfgame more than her towngame.

Remember if we dont know who to vote at EoD just pile on Achromatic because theyre badge says best scum player 2022.


And I answered that. Like I said, I’ve been too busy defending myself to make any real reads. Get the wagon off of mesoI can think and start considering the possibility that I’m not a wolf then we’ll talk.

I feel as if town leafia tends to be more charitable with early town reads, is this not something your research has?

Not that it really matters, there are many paths to enlightenment tbh

No, I’m treating you like your dead and solving other slots atm. I am not voting you, so do your thing lol

To me leafia sounds like a copy of leafia in that they instantly say things which are hard to understand and then panic instantly to tiny pressure.

Id rather discuss how theyre different to their townplay this game, as i think theyre pretty null rn

Yeah I am sorry but I am not going to let Leafia say the literal exact same phrases when discussing my vote on her as she did when she was a wolf and go ‘oh yeah I guess it’s just a coincidence lol’

I don’t think leafia is very hard to read tbh

Unfortunately Chris is just that good, its unfair.

Your pressure isnt all that much though like 5 outta 18?! Thats not anything to create this much reaction. If youre town take a deep breath and hunt 5 isnt much to defend this much over is it?

Me defending myself like this isn’t AI, but at least your explaination for wolfreading me sounds like it could come from a villager, so you’ve got a townlean from me.

Which is what I would be doing without this wagon under me. It’s been proven time after time that I’m not good with pressure regardless of alignment.

Achro, I’ve been having to defend myself from this bs push on me since the beginning. How doyou expect me to make reads?

From which at least half of it is you versus Leafia.

I will be the devil’s advacate here.

But she clearly stated her opinion, when she disliked the townreads on me, also if you read anything, she had read as well…

Apology accepted thank you.

No. You’re treating me like a flipped wolf which isn’t a villagery thing to do.

Yeah Leafia denying people’s town reads of a slot is also wolf siding if you think about it. Devil’s advocacy is fine I’ll bring cake.

Anyway I have done my job for the opening bit and given EXTREME AMOUNTS OF CONTENT to discuss and I am sure people who haven’t posted will find lots of interesting things to discuss.

I’m going to go do other things and let the thread breathe.

I obviously am for you if you think I’m a wolf right now.