Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

What’s a reaction test? No one has said anything that I think is an RT.

VOTE: no vote

Mr L is bleeding town i cant vote this slot

I think igcd is pretty towny so far too.

Also magnus i didnt do s lot of research i was just around for sulit like 2 days ago at end game. Did mix marluna up though thats sad lol

Why did you ask magnus why he did a list?

How long till i break the post cap

Also what is the post cap

No one else did

I didnt even realize till now there was an SK in this game, because i skimmed over the setup sue me, but I’ll be the first to say Magnus probably IS the SK and is being too cute!


Do you think that decision has some meaning to magnus alignment?

Not really, I don’t know how to read Magnus. I misread them last game. (But I bet that’s what they wanted!!)

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Sure. You should pick out a player at random and arbitrarily decide they’re scum, it’s to the benefit of both yourself and others by making yourself easier to read.

You said you agreed with Achro, and he mentioned reactions.

You’ve been paranoid of my slot in our past few games. I’m sure you’d do fine.

I love being misread.

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Someone gets it.

I brought it up because I wanted to see a response that might ping me wrong, but I felt nothing towards theirs

I appreciate that Garfooled. I see you’re catching on, take this free (slight) townlean and see this special box I’ve just made ;)

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If you’re so overly calculating, please choose a number between one and ten, that from a glance could appear to be an innocuous choice constructed purely randomly.

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Leafia why are u so certain Achro is a wolf?
Is there anything else besides their reaction to ur vote?
Also I see Magnus and Achro have differing opinions on how Leafia acted in Need for Speed


VOTE: Achromatic

I called Leafia’s vote here bold if she’s evil, and not in line with what she would usually do as evil. This is verifiably true.
Achro is calling Leafia’s reaction to pressure very much like what she would say if she were evil, from what I read before. These two statements can coexist.

So we agree,
Achro disagrees

I’d choose Pi.
It is a number between those numbers and it’s perhaps the most interesting of them.

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I still choose 6


150 is the post cap.

I agreed with him saying you’re probably not the sk.

He knows better than to preflip anyone after it burned him in HTF. Other than that, it’s a combination of his reactions and gut.

You’ve chosen to get a slight townlean from me.

Still 7 for me.