Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Note Leafia left without answering my question and qhile trying to flip it onto me instead

Because there is no answer.

More on Garfooled, this pinged me earlier:

I just don’t think a member of town asks someone why they bothered to do something and then their next post does it. Like, if you’re questioning why anyone else did something its unnatural for you to do it yourself, which makes me think garfooled is a rusty wolf who just posted things that sounded good without thinking it through.

good night Zenon!

Actually I’m wrong they stole their lawyers answer after spending multiple posts pushing the goal posts and delaying answering me and trying to flip it onto me

Leafia howling. Lawyer howling too.

I don’t think so actually, Hippo even admitted that I’d probably eat a bigger fish if I was a wolf here when I called him on it. He’s town playing devil’s advocate imo

Good morning, everyone. It turns out the Three mafia games I am currently playing have synced day phases, so forgive me for paying attention to the slightly more interesting ones over popping in for RVS.

I’m on mobile, so no quotewalling for now, but off the top of my head, Leafia is scummy, Magnus and I are still masons and will remain so until I am taken in by paranoia, as is traditional, Achro didn’t mention me in his opener :(, sulit is towny for being the first on the Leafia wagon, and I like that ping on Garfooled there, I think. If Achro is a wolf, I will figure it out Later. He can do whatever he wants on D1.


I’m not /really/ sure how alignment indicative this is, but it makes me sad that Chris and Zenon used up more than 2/3rds of their postcount in the first seven or so hours of the game starting; I wanted to spend some time interacting with them after catching up.

Either way, gonna do a decent sweep of the game thread and see what shakes out.

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VOTE: IfGodCouldDie

Cool, glad to have had a read through the game thread, it tells me this is probably a wolf. Yet nobody else seems to have this as a wolf rn so this lets me get myself a fresh pelt.


Seeing as you just wolfed with Chris in the practice game, what do you make of his play here and do you see any sort of delineations between his town and wolf games? I’m well aware he’s a dinosaur who has played mafia for ages but it would be useful to have sort of a bead to start with regards to him.

It’s been personally ages since I’ve played with Chris; I’ve wolfed with him a number of times but I can’t really recall a game where I’ve caught him as wolf red-handed. I’m sure he’s caught me as a wolf a handful of times, but my pre-2015 mafia memory is pretty hazy.

Any of the GameFAQs people can feel free to respond to this, btw.

What question? I’m on mobile so I miss things, a lot of things

Also not caught up yet, RL stuff first

this, yea

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dont roast me

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I’m more townreading Marluna for 44 because I think if they’re mafia, that thought they listed out when reading Achro/Chris’s post probably doesn’t even enter their mind - while it’s a reasonable thought process for a paranoid townie to have.

I’m trying to think about the mindset Leafia would have to pounce on Chris for that opening post.

In my mind, that post was a pre-written introduction where Chris tried to give some context to some of the GameFAQs people to us FoLers who may be unfamiliar with them, as well as making a list of players he would like to work with as town and be fearful of as scum (as well as talking about players he was excited to play with). But Leafia thought it was performative and chummy, which… sure, I can accept that at strictly face value, but I don’t think Chris’s post was especially alignment indicative. Leafia says she’s never seen Chris like this? Which I sort of have a hard time believing because I think Chris can be pretty whimsical at times?

@Leafia – what is your impression of Achromatic and how he normally acts? What do you make of his towngame and his wolfgame? (Yes, I realize I’m sort of asking two people the same question. It’s for different ends)

Question mark!

I would also agree that town!Leafia generally gives out more townreads at the beginning of the game. This game is kind of an anomaly though as I think her points are correct (we immediately jumped down her throat at the beginning of this game, so her not having any reads besides on the people who voted her makes sense to me because… that was literally the only thing going on ITT at the time)

Someone remind me to talk more about Leafia 24 hours from now, but I’ll try to move on to different topics.

Expand on this a little, Kiiruma? I don’t consider my opening posts thus far to be terribly indicative of my alignment, though that could just be me thinking that my wolfgame is better than it actually is (it’s not very good).

I like Hippo for this.

I kind of skimmed through Kiiruma’s post and didn’t notice that pretty bizarre thought coming from Kiiruma - essentially Kiiruma is perceiving the game in a pretty weird self-aware way, where he’s thinking how he will be perceived if Chris flips wolf.

Objectively, I think that this is a wolfy thought from Kiiruma because wolves are more concerned about how they are perceived more than town (who shouldn’t care at all about how they’re perceived, they should just be focused on murdering the wolves) but I don’t know if it’s wolfy for Kiiruma specifically if that makes sense? Since I know he’s a fairly unorthodox player?

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How does my off-the-cuff early game meta comparison make me town? I’m strawmanning myself a little bit here, but I don’t understand how me linking a meta analysis I did wrt Leafia a year ago makes me likely town.

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the amount of cackling I am doing reading archo and hippos posts is large

Could you explain the L read when you get the chance? I sort of see how you’re getting to IGCD town but I don’t have the same meta knowledge to draw upon.

She’s been posting one-liners/mostly fluffposting thus far. How would you expect her to play as town? Not to disparage her, but her play thus far in the first seven hours of this game is a little bit at odds about what you’ve described from her in your first post.

@Magnus are u good at woofing

Glad you remember me so well Prophy