Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Also not caught up yet, RL stuff first

this, yea

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dont roast me

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I’m more townreading Marluna for 44 because I think if they’re mafia, that thought they listed out when reading Achro/Chris’s post probably doesn’t even enter their mind - while it’s a reasonable thought process for a paranoid townie to have.

I’m trying to think about the mindset Leafia would have to pounce on Chris for that opening post.

In my mind, that post was a pre-written introduction where Chris tried to give some context to some of the GameFAQs people to us FoLers who may be unfamiliar with them, as well as making a list of players he would like to work with as town and be fearful of as scum (as well as talking about players he was excited to play with). But Leafia thought it was performative and chummy, which… sure, I can accept that at strictly face value, but I don’t think Chris’s post was especially alignment indicative. Leafia says she’s never seen Chris like this? Which I sort of have a hard time believing because I think Chris can be pretty whimsical at times?

@Leafia – what is your impression of Achromatic and how he normally acts? What do you make of his towngame and his wolfgame? (Yes, I realize I’m sort of asking two people the same question. It’s for different ends)

Question mark!

I would also agree that town!Leafia generally gives out more townreads at the beginning of the game. This game is kind of an anomaly though as I think her points are correct (we immediately jumped down her throat at the beginning of this game, so her not having any reads besides on the people who voted her makes sense to me because… that was literally the only thing going on ITT at the time)

Someone remind me to talk more about Leafia 24 hours from now, but I’ll try to move on to different topics.

Expand on this a little, Kiiruma? I don’t consider my opening posts thus far to be terribly indicative of my alignment, though that could just be me thinking that my wolfgame is better than it actually is (it’s not very good).

I like Hippo for this.

I kind of skimmed through Kiiruma’s post and didn’t notice that pretty bizarre thought coming from Kiiruma - essentially Kiiruma is perceiving the game in a pretty weird self-aware way, where he’s thinking how he will be perceived if Chris flips wolf.

Objectively, I think that this is a wolfy thought from Kiiruma because wolves are more concerned about how they are perceived more than town (who shouldn’t care at all about how they’re perceived, they should just be focused on murdering the wolves) but I don’t know if it’s wolfy for Kiiruma specifically if that makes sense? Since I know he’s a fairly unorthodox player?

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How does my off-the-cuff early game meta comparison make me town? I’m strawmanning myself a little bit here, but I don’t understand how me linking a meta analysis I did wrt Leafia a year ago makes me likely town.

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the amount of cackling I am doing reading archo and hippos posts is large

Could you explain the L read when you get the chance? I sort of see how you’re getting to IGCD town but I don’t have the same meta knowledge to draw upon.

She’s been posting one-liners/mostly fluffposting thus far. How would you expect her to play as town? Not to disparage her, but her play thus far in the first seven hours of this game is a little bit at odds about what you’ve described from her in your first post.

@Magnus are u good at woofing

Glad you remember me so well Prophy

Several players have mentioned that your playstyle seems geared for reaction testing, so I’ll bite.

Talk to me about why you think Kiiruma and Hazardwaste are town? I have Kiiruma as null/slightly wolfy thus far for that weird self-aware thought that Hippo pointed out (which probably makes them unaligned tbh), and Hazard hasn’t really pinged me thus far yet.

I’ll ask you the same question I asked Leafia – what do you expect from Achro at this point in the game? He’s acting fairly normally from what I expect of him.

Why the hell is Leafia voting someone that Chris suspects?

Leafia thought that Chris was a wolf, right?

So she thinks wolf!Chris is moving from town!Leafia to bus his buddy wolf!Lea?

@Leafia - can you explain your thought process here? Could you clarify your reads on both Chris and Lea?

lw tired bye bye

This question is meaningless. You’re not going to deny that you’re Town.
I quoted your meta link, but you had a more in-depth Leafia read prior to that post. I’ve heard enough about your townplay, and that presumably means you’re a capable evil as well, but piling onto any player as early as you did with supporting arguments comes more likely from a villager.

That depends on your criteria. I haven’t won a game as evil recently.
What makes someone good at playing evil?

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this is too deep of a question for me rn

Could you give me the cliffs notes in terms of meta insight on Mr. L/Ben? I’m not a GameFAQer so I don’t need to hear the full story, but a succinct summary would be appreciated to at least glean your thought process.

And nvm, I see Zenon posted her reasoning as to why she’s townreading the people she is in 551. It’s not super detailed but eh.

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are ur wolf and town games hard to tell aprt

people I think are town ie

mr l

are u not a little cautious of me given last game? What ping on garf?

w h y ?