Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

man i know and it stresses me the fuck out. i am trying to lock myself to half today half tomorrow. cause i aint gonna be awake for eod again. (sorry guys not waking up at 4 am)

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unlucky number. burn

Why are you complaining about the postcount when you aren’t in danger of reaching it given your current level of activity? (That came out wrong but we’ll roll with it.)

You said you were happy to hear questions earlier, because you were just taking a step back for the first day until you learned certain playstyles. You have a lot of early commentary, but the first early thing I’m happy to call AI is your response to Achro’s list. You tried to brush it off, and when that failed you tried to roll with it in the weirdest fashion I know. You suspected v!Achro of pushing agenda? It’s just a weird train of thought and I’m confused.

Your readlist indicates you haven’t been explaining all of your reads as they come to you, given your prior lack of mention regarding Zenon or L. You’re also unwilling to be confident in your reads, which is noteworthy. Given how you hadn’t formed any additional reads following that point, but you’ve also shown a tendency to step back and think quietly to yourself, could you share your current thoughts?

First of all didnt show any backlash to acro’s post. I think you mistook me joking about a mistype to me not liking it? Second of all i shared my thoughts on who i town lean currently mate. If you want i can share scum leans but i wanna watch a bit more

And me stressing about the message count is me joking around/me saying i feel like i am under pressure now to stay on topic

An this quote is me saying “i think your rushing some of your reads mate unlike usual”. Not sprrading propaganda?

the message above is a bit weird to be completely honest magnus. you were in the upper top of null until you tried to paint a message of me commenting on achro speeding reads on me as spreading propaganda and trying to brush it off? either you misinterpreted which is fair if you did or you are trying to throw a “very easy to make a scum world around” player into the way of the current wagons.

I have explained why i liked kiiruma and Zenon already, Achro i like as i told you before seems more townie then he does scum, his stress and count down beat down makes me feel he is rather trying to give town as much info as possible over a larger area rather then trying to throw a single person as scum and trying to get one kill before he dies

Mr. L tbch is a fucking gut read. but my gut has only failed me 1/2 the time

I feel like i have been pretty consistent with answering every question that comes to me and i have given reasoning for my reads when asked. (if you look back at previous games you know this aint off my normal path) and for me not being confident in my reads. buddy thats just me every single game. why do you think wiz stayed alive for so long in need for speed XD. i am not a confident person.

As of my scum reads Lea is acting weird but i am kinda looking at them as sk more then i do mafia. they seem not alligned with anyone but are trying to be active enough to warrent being kept around.

Frost who has 0 posts. i dont think i need to explain my reasoning for this one

and Leafia who is just all over the place currently. I connect town leafia to a more calmer state then the leafia that was here this moring.

Have you got any other questions?


Was there a mistype? I wasn’t talking about the xenon/zenon thing.

In response to Achro’s POE, you said this:

Which I took as “let me respond to this in a casual manner so I don’t look worried”. So the answer is: neither.

That would help, but at least I understand your position.

…Erm. I’ll take this. It was moreso reading to me as “I don’t like your argument, aka I think it’s fabricated, but I still townread you”.

Oh! I completely miss interpreted. I apologies yeah thats a fair shout.

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It was less of that more of me saying “mate you know i call myself dumb often. Your rushing to much” but i can get how you see that

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I’ll be back just need to finish dinner tho. Keep asking away then i will fire some questions back at ya. Aussie question time

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Just shout at me if I sound nonsensical again. This was not the first time.

I’m happy with your explanations on Achro and Kiiruma, I can see your viewpoints for them both. I do think you have narrow townleans on them, if that makes sense; regarding Zenon, your best explanation for why you townread her was that she seemed on-point with her reads and reaction fishing. A macro read, if you will.
Was the Mason talk earlier indicating that you had an unstated towny sense of camaraderie with Zenon, or am I reading too much into things?

Now that you mention it, I’m kinda hungry as well.

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That’s also where my head is at. I would be surprised if Lea was Mafia; she’s more likely either Town or SK. It’s been a while since her last pop in.

These reads are fairly tame, I think. Then again, everyone seems to be fairly chill this game.
@Frostwolf103 tell me a story.

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Mmmhm, when Proph pointed what my read was on them i realised my read was only due to me only playing with them as town.

I said this which i will uphold as soon as they come back online to share a scum game

i mean, i think me and zenon have respect for each other (or at least i do) but i have only played with her once before so it was more of a joke around rather then anything.

Grab some food enjoy yourself!

idk she seems like she is trying to blend in to much. and then when it was brought up they had a cover of “It was all a trap and achro fell for it!” but then why trap specifically achro?

I would love to hear story to!

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I think Zenon’s trying to play differently compared to how they used to play, given the account change, although if you’re curious in reading a past game of theirs on this site, here you go: Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory).
I can’t get up.

I would rather not have to answer for other people, because I’m a devil’s advocate and not a defence attorney, but I would assume it was due to familiarity with Achro. They’re from the same site, after all.

thats fair but i think alot of people came with them. like sultan, Mr L and Igcd. Why try to trap specifically achro there. I did ask this question before but she is offline so i will wait for her response

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Thankyou! But yeah thats right. zenon is trying to play differently but old habbits dont just go away with a click of the fingers.


Good morning everyone, don’t expect much acitivity since I am busy on my visit to Luxemburg today

Leafia (4): sulit, Mr.L, Prophylaxis, Achromatic
Achromatic (2): Marluna, Lea
Lea (2): Zenon, Leafia
ElizaThePsycho (1): Hippopablompoyeetus
Zenon (1): IfGodCouldDie
IfGodCouldDie (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (7): SultanOfSlam, Garfooled, Frostwolf103, ElizaThePsycho, Magnus, Hazardwaste, May

Leafia being top wagon with at least two counterwagons Acromatic and Lea, 8 people to take a quick look.

Achro has plenty of meta on players I don’t know, from town and mafia perspectives. Nice to meet you all for those who haven’t recognized me.

Sounds like good question to get it started, the players I do not personally know are God, Sultan, Lea, Mr. L, Sulit, Prophy and about 11 players I have more experience with them in recent games and from the past with everlasting impression.

Most helpful town:


Most harmful scum:


I know from experience that Acromatic and Magnus have sound reason as townies and can imitate that play as wolf, I am looking at you Magnus. Kiiruma may have been scum recently, he is however the one I townread him the most I spend in my first ever town game back in '16 and haven’t changed my view since.

As such, Leafia I have seen them more as scum and less town, I will look into the player soon don’t expect my findings very soon.

I always seem to be in unfriendly terms with Neon due to be in opposite faction all the time, I should make sure that I pay more attention to ‘Zenon’ as the day progresses.

Oh Hippo, how can I not forget you. You are quite an trickster.

I’m sure I don’t know what you could possibly mean.

VOTE: Leafia