Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Your answers were unsatisfactory and avoided the point.

I’m not trying to be harsh, sorry if I’m coming across that way. I’m just upset that you’re acting like everyone is unfairly out to get you.

Can i just state. this comment could easily be faked, but if Sultan was scum wouldnt he know that the roles would be set up in knight formation due to the PR roles he would know? i think this could be a town slip.

thankyou for an answer thats not biting back at me but thankyou for the confirmation

Another person who sum’s me up fucking perfectly

Unironically Love this Sultan guy <3. I think if i can get a confirmation if it was a town slip i would be happy to town lean them

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You could be happy to townlean them anyway.

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Thank you for finding this.

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For the record, forming counterwagons is just… my obligation. It’s my job to counterwagon earlygame. I need the information, EoD is free pressure for scum you don’t even have to work for, I’m going to take advantage of that every time. I will form counterwagons until we only have one scum left, and then sometimes I’ll even form counterwagons some more. Here’s some past examples:

Morbtainado, my first game, where I flashwagoned epitau despite starting the current main wagon, then swapped back
OSFE, where Brad was... let's be honest, obvscum D1 who I failed to spot, and I started a wagon away from him (on town) to see how Jaiden would react

And probably plenty in between my first game and one of my last. I refuse to let days have a single runaway wagon, and I especially refuse to let D1s have a single runaway wagon. It’s inherently uninformative. I like forcing scum to make decisions, and wagoning Achro did that. Helped me form a townread on Kiiruma, a wolfread on Frost, and will probably inform plenty more once things have narrowed down a bit and I know more alignments of people in the conversation. This is just May behaviour.

Curious that Magnus hasn’t pointed this one out, but maybe they just haven’t noticed this habit of mine.


Weird interaction which kinda gives me a feel that may and frost may be alligned… i think i am reading too deep into this one tho (but may did then instantly jump on to achro)

we would have no proof this was your intention unless it happened. sorry may

:PP idk about may theres not much i can find to scum lean or town lean her. i think how she is acting currently is pretty on meta for someone who is playing several games at once… but its not helping me read them anyway


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literally an answer for a question i was gonna ask you… Thankyou!

Yeah, no, that’s entirely fair, you have no way of knowing that was my intention, and I didn’t say this statement meaning for the rest of the game to find it towny. I said it for the audience. I said it to clarify I wasn’t that bamboozled by Leafia, so that I look like slightly less of a clown, because that’s something I apparently put effort into, despite the fact that it is attempting to sponge up the sea.


But that’s exactly my point, but I am not going to argue.

Town or not, I am not capable to convince players to understand and follow my reads, thus I am getting frustrated and more unwilling to cooperate.

Read back at Day 1 and you can see I give a go and even going back to searching up and analyse when Achro asked.

Speaking of him, what do I have to gain for his death besides thread presence? I would have been more cooperating with him alive and that is why I am thinking I am now taking the fall and I am fine with that.

no yeah thats fair.

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Town lean


Scum lean

(Updated reads.)

(Names are not in order fyi)


Since you’ve been trying to read into Kiiruma’s slot, Hazard, I would like to ask you about his reads, or lack thereof.
I know he claims to have taken a break for half of D1, and I won’t read into that, but his readlist seemed to have barely any thought put into it (given the contradictions in his explanation later), and his limited focus on slots other than Leafia, Achro, and briefly IGCD.

Today, Kiiruma said he needed to reevaluate after Leafia and Achro’s flips. He tried using Achro’s reasoning from yesterday to defend-himself, and he pushed you (a null read) over IGCD or Mr.L (scumreads from yesterday).

You also said he likes to buddy. Would you say this is something w!Kiiruma would say? “I’m with you”?

hazard ur funny I like you

(aggressive pocketing)


Dont fucking do that. it works


What about your stats, though?


Oh, it’s usually terrible for my stats, honestly. Plenty of days where a wolf was executed and I was fucking off on a counterwagon for the sake of having a counterwagon. There are some things more important than statistics. Only a select few, though.