Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

you guys are taking notes every game :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

very studious

Which is what I view it as too.

Except that I voted Leafia as wolf during the early stage in our last completed game together, Need for Speed, so Leafia acting as if I don’t do these sort of things in the early games makes even less sense.

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You’ve never even been in a game with me before.

ok, that would be more of a reason for suspicion then

Not sure why i love this nothing post so much.

It just speaks honestly i guess lol

Sultan probably town for finding reasons to love people early.

We’ll call that a TOWN LEAN


Read your first post Achro. You’ve never made a similar post before which weirded me out a bit so I decided to vote for you to put some pressure on you so that I can read you better and you responded with a su pl er OMGUSy vote on me. That’s not a good look for you at all.


Leafia, why do you care about how Achro looks/is perceived?

“Not a good look for you at all”

Do I feel pressured to you, Leafia?

Also fun fact the last time I voted for you when you were a wolf here’s what you said:

Okay one wolf down.

I don’t care how he looks. I only care about how he looks to me and right now he looks like a wolf trying to OMGUS a concerned villager so he can get them misexed.

Yes youdo and now I jusg need to figure out who your partners are.


Leafia (3): sulit, Achromatic, Lea
Achromatic (1): Leafia

(As a note, the votecount button should be working now.)
Also SoD1 flavor post has been updated.

If i was good at pulling up recent games i can find you 4 similar posts of a into to general thoughts Achro has made about people playing the game. Also laying out intros for players others havent played witj like he did with us Gamefaq people is exactly what he just did for me in our game on Universe we did for warmup

I will mention we were scum scum.

His high praise for the 3 of us is kinda normal though we are 3 of his favorites over in Gamefaq.

You said tou have experience with Achro but also said not recent?

Town list

Marluna - 44, most of their early posts frankly
Proph - Day 1 Mason Buddy Truce, re-eval day 2
Sulit - Snap town read on Mr.L is contradictory to wolf game they won
Sultan - Seems relaxed and charitable in his reads

Scum List
Leafia - similar behavior to me as a wolf, using exact phrases she has as wolf before

TO BE SORTED - Everyone else

Where I’m at atm

Well, he’s never done a post like that here before. And his OMGUS of me is just terrible. At least how fast my wagon grew kind of spews me town, so there’s that.

Stop acting like my current behavior is AI Achro. Please don’t become Marl 2.0 here.

Ma’am your intimidation tactics don’t work on me. Marl and I are best buds now, forged together in our love of JRPGs and Warcraft.

Something about Leafia vs Achro (almost wrote Luffy), doesn’t feel natural.