Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Theyre usually a villager cuz most people are villagers.

A 3 person wagon at hour 1 of the start of d1 means nothing alignment wise.

Also, just remembered about the postcap too, which is 150 posts. So no one exceed that. At least not if you’re a villager. Wolves, feel free to exceed that.
Heading out for now to conserve my posts a bit. :sleepingleafeon:

My favorite thing about this site so far is the potential for meta’ing “Likes”

My least favorite thing is the replies but only because I’m not used to it and them showing up in two places is a little confusing



Leafia (3): sulit, Mr.L, Prophylaxis
sulit (2): Leafia, IfGodCouldDie
Mr.L (1): Achromatic
Achromatic (1): Marluna
ElizaThePsycho (1): Hippopablompoyeetus

I like Mr Ls posts a lot so far.
Bit sus of prophylaxis, surprised they bought into leafia push so fast and it felt like they were overjustifying their vote a bit to me.
Voting ElizaThePsycho for making pointless posts

I like Hippo because they like me

Alright, I’m pretty hype for this game and it’s time to just have confidence, following the things that Litten taught me before.

It’s time to win this game.

Achro talked about many players within their first post, not including myself. This means from others’ perspectives when looking back on Achro posts, if Achro flips scum that I am already recognising that I might seem teamed with them. The post itself is fairly chipper and seems to be trying to get people on their side, quite dislike it since I think it’s something 3P!Achro might do and I also know Achro enjoys powerwolfing which would also follow this.

Nobody else particularly stands out from the very early posts, Leafia is alright but nothing too special, seemed excited about the flavour and doesn’t seem to really be thinking too much focused on the game, it’s a good look for now. Prophy seems towny but I know Prophy is a strong player and therefore I refuse to underestimate him.

Mr. L feels stiff and I disliked their early vote on Leafia since it felt quite performative. It put Leafia to 4 votes and was a relatively weak post in itself which I feel was probably moreso indicative of a wolf trying to find a reaosn to interact with a slot. Leafia / Mr. L unaligned?

How is this your first thought wtf this seems so unnatural

That’s cool that you think that Hip, but I think it’s important to analyse how players might read into others’ posts during hypothetical situations since it allows for quicker worldbuilding.

Anyway, nice to see you again. It’s been a while.

Also it’s my first thought because it was one of the first posts, ya damn nerd

I read from bottom up because southern hemisphere so for me its not natural it would be first thought.

(Nice to see you too)


Is there context I’m missing for why you felt the need to start with this?

Also woah thank you Hippo for making me realize its possible to quote specific block of text. Will definitely use that now

You can also use it for comedic effect by quoting out of context

No worries my child


Hippos are one of the deadliest animals around, killing at least 500 people a year.

Kiiruma’s starting off strong, a bit unsual.
But I found that opening post strange as well, why do u center it yourself around it?
I was also not mentioned.

Confidence! It’s what I was taught by Firekitten in Strategem 27

I see what ur doing

Chess is a struggle between my desire not to think and my desire not to lose.
- Jan Gustafsson.


Achromatic naturally opens the game with a lengthy wallpost talking about the other players that are present here today, which he claims to have written because he was excited. This might not be directly alignment-indicative, although this beginning style contrasts with Achro’s openings in Morbtainado and Strategem-10, where his openings as evil were shorter than more reserved. On the other hand, his openings were this short as well in Love is War and in UFO.
A common thread between all of Achro’s openings is that he likes to start a conversation. You can see this quite clearly in that he wasn’t overly critical about his own opening.

Marluna was aligned with Town in that game. Achro was a participant in Love is War, and his mention of Sulit’s previous win clearly indicates that he’s willing to put in research towards slots he doesn’t know as well, so slipping up about Marluna is weird. It’s not suspicious though; Achro’s opening post simply had a different focus in mind. The real benefit of the opener is to discuss the playstyles of his fellow GameFAQ players, which I appreciate very much. His questions are meaningless in of themselves, asking to hear people’s favourite setup possibilities is entirely pointless, this is just a conversation starter. I like it.

  1. May. We have never played on opposing teams, so continuing the streak would be fantastic.
  2. Zenon. I would consider us friends, she plays errantly which I find really fun, she has a great method that doesn’t line up too much with my own strategy, and while I haven’t seen her best wolfplay yet, she usually comes across as easy to read town for me.
  3. Garfooled. He’s fun to have around and he doesn’t always follow the same thoughts as the rest of the town.

  1. Achro. This is because even if I read you as evil, convincing everyone to side with that vote before MELO would be next to impossible.
  2. Hazard. I saw his play in Grand Idea as a Lost Wolf and I was caught off guard to see him flip evil. This is a paranoia placement, may reevaluate later.
  3. Leafia. Her play wasn’t stellar in our last game, but she at least convinced me and Litten before falling back into doing old tricks. Until I can evaluate her new threat level, she’s here for now.

Leafia is always scared of Achro immediately as Town, I swear. A lot of Leafia’s behaviour revolves around Achro, because she’s fearful of him as either alignment. She didn’t vote him first in UFO or in Need for Speed, so if she’s evil this is a bold action from her. Is Leafia calling her own behaviour scummy? I see her do this all the time as evil, and this was called out in the graveyard by someone else, so it’s not just being made up. Has anyone seen Leafia say this as Town?

Proph begins the game by microreading slots, which I don’t really find alignment indicative given what I’ve heard about their play. Proph then improves by deeply analysing Leafia’s slot a couple times, and sharing meta, so Proph is likely town as well at this stage.
Garfooled sensing something engineered between Leafia and Achro is a good look for him.

I bet this is not the entire scumteam.

Five votes is a lot. This statistically isn’t pure, regardless of Leafia’s actual alignment, given how many players kept jumping on. I guess I would be looking at Lea or Mr.L at this stage?

Leafia (5): sulit, Achromatic, Lea, Mr.L, Prophylaxis

Probably Lea for this naked unvote.

I would be pretty happy if the wolves outed themselves on the first day to hammer someone immediately.

Also I’m the Serial Killer.

Magnus town because i thought about claiming sk for reactions

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