Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

I could see Lea maybe being the Sk but idk if she would shoot achro in this situation though.

The fact Achro got shot by both Sk and Scum is still boggeling. Ud think onw of the 2 would have been like nah let me shoot someone else. But i really dont know this community

Cause you told me i couldn’t hammer till you got to 300 posts. Duh.

No, yeah may is like 100% town I will die in that hill

I’m at Hippo, Sulit, Forstwold

Not sure i understand the table but line 2?


Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations OST - Pressing Pursuit ~ Caught.

Let’s say, hypothetically, Sulit is Mafia. Okay, let’s even say Sulit is redchecked as Mafia. Right, so in this scenario, I would obviously know from personal experience that I am not masons with Sulit. Can we agree that much is correct? Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume Sulit’s scumteam would not believe in the masonry either? I would think you would agree that Sulit’s scumteam might even give away that the masonry was made up. Therefore, now that we have established the rational basis for the argument, it is of utmost importance to understand that Frost’s behaviour today can be determined to a high degree of likelihood to have given this away, in a manner of speaking.

May caught my signal that I was doing an RT, whereas Frost thought I was honestly claiming. We can safely assume that w!May would’ve warned Frost ahead of time, so this means from my perspective they should not be on the same team.
Frost also tried to avoid my claiming masons with Sulit, and he was willing enough to unvote when given the chance. If either Sulit or Frost was the SK, or simply evil without being on the same team, Frost’s play would’ve been to put pressure onto me instead of coming up with some reason logic that AA = Serial Killer = Shelly De Killer = Town Mason.

TL;DR May is unaligned with Frost, Frost is aligned with Sulit.

Anyway Zenon, although my prerequisite of overreaching my quota of 300 posts has been met, Proph made a request to be given an opportunity to write a legacy before the end of the day, so you would need to ask for his permission next.

My shift just ended…

Reading the OP again, I shouldn’t have voted sulit the moment the redcheck was given.

(There is no TOWN role, which mechanicaly can 100% tell, if they found a mafia. The only way, if the SK used a cop-check.)

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Why should I put pressure on you

Are you sure you’re not putting more dirt on me?

I am retracting my mason claim and sharing my results. You weren’t my target, that’s just the way the cards fell.

Okay, but a Town Cop can learn if their target is bad, which is good enough for me. I’m not going to pressure Proph here.

Me neither.

Real SK wouldn’t have come out the way Prop did. (They can simply kill the mafia at night.)

I read back. Prop specially said mafia, (Not scum) when he claimed the check on sulit.

Well to be fair, Marluna. In the situation which side needs to be removed first between mafia or SK, which one would be?

At this stage?
I prefer killing mafia.
Since SK isn’t passively Night immune, we can make the mafia handle the SK, and we learn like nothing, if the accused SK turns out be green. While if an accused mafia turns green, that we can start on.

Marluna there’s a way that Proph can find Mafia but not SK


I mean a guilty scan os a guilty scan i guess Sulit could be sk but either either way elimating a guilty scan is pro town

This seems like an anti town take why should it matter the verbage that proph used?

Sulit can’t be SK if Proph is sure they’re Mafia

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Hey Magnus, like my post above if I should stop talking about it for now

But it can give out false positive. (Although it is unlikely, but the chance is still there, so I wouldn’t say it’s “mechanically confirmed.”)

I don’t think we have roles that would give a false positive though, there are no duplicates

Okay well either way it is a guilty scan why are we arguing?