Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

They should kill us both for that

I have been killed for worse

Yea hold on, is Lea aligned with Leafia?

Anyway I find it interesting that you say @zenon that none of my reads except Leafia are good when you already said you agreed with my Marluna read. Curious thing to forget.

As for my other town reads:

sulit I micro read based off the fact that they gave out a snap town read on Mr.L which is something as a successful wolf they did not do the previous game. Wolves don’t tend to change up how they approach people on that small of a scale after a successful campaign. I don’t think this is weak, and I believe it.

I liked how IGCD’s interaction with Leafia to be town regardless of Leafia’s alignment because if Leafia is town I believe IGCD would delight in watching me torture a town member and not step in to help in any way. If Leafia is mafia with IGCD I would expect ICGD to coach her in private against a push from me and not openly like that.

Proph is my mason buddy for the day which yeah is an alliance and not a real ‘read’ but also I liked their marluna take as it was a mindmeld with me and generally I think it is probably more v than w to agree with my proposed team up.

Magnus I actually like my reasoning a fair bit because I think it is towny to reaction test people with stuff like he did with the SK stuff. I don’t agree that Magnus is the type of player to joke about being SK as SK, he seems more serious to me.

Anyway also mostly ignoring Lea until she decides to give some real reads rather than go ‘lol’ at things I’ve said pretty much. Like yes I am broadening my solve but the fundamentals of the game are still that leafia isn’t actually dead yet and of all the people who voted leafia I think you, lea, have the most equity tbh

Thread seems more sussy now then it did at SoD

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Why would I want to crush my cute kouhai before you even start to play the game and make beautiful reads.

I can only crush so many people a day before I feel like a bully.

I don’t have a dayvig I’m afraid.

Right. I was being facetious but like almost every read there is weak and i won’t back down from that. You are misclearing a wolf.

Yeah, my bad I guess.


VOTE: Achro

This is absurd

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I wish you luck in getting me lynched day 1, you’re going to need it tbh

Oooo scary

You’re the one trying to murder me, lol x)

Town Core


It comes natural to me. Just be as socially awkward as possible

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Anybody in here an anime translator?