Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

This is why I think you are evil.

You might not see it now regarding Achromatic, I do believe even for villager he likely rolled, he does seem wanting to unite the townies rather than leaving it in splinter groups with many different opinions. That is unless talking will not get convinced to join Achro, then it will get bloody.

Right so, what have you concluded so far with select few players?

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the issue with that connection is that in need for speed i was generally town read for majority of the game. when you joined in i dont think there was anyone in the game at the time scum reading me. in turn i was more relaxed.

could you explain this part a bit more. dont necessarily get your drift

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I am starting to wonder if leafia is sk here because most of the people i am at a glance not loving feel unpaired with her. For every unchariable post you can find of hippo there is one or two like this

Which seems way too blstant on the exposure scale for hippo to say as w/w with leafia. I was going through hippo’s iso and he has a lot of these posts where he is openly skeptical of leafia.

I would find it a bit surprising if hippo just went for the actual lawyering here but if leafia flips wolf power that could explain some of it. It is remarkably paired and for a player as good as hippo it would just be surprising.

But sometimes scum do have to defend their buddies early even if it is an issue i suppose.

The more i thought about it the more i talked myself out of this unpairing idea tbh. Just goes to show where the mind will go at times.

Actually reading hippo’s iso in full now there just isnt a lot there. He got on board with the leafia wagon but didnt show any reasoning. Said he liked my garfooled turnaround but didnt say why. There needs to be more of a focus on hippo day 2 for sure as he didnt really manage to impact the game at all today in any way whatsoever. Also i have to remind myself if leafia is wolf she only has 3 buddies so it could be pretty easy to miss them if even one of them is slanking.

Tldr for friend zenon


Plenty to be worried about but some things concern me like i said above in terms of it being bulletproof. Cant defend him but just feels a tiny bit ill fitting for me.


I would try again, but I genuinely don’t think we’ve had any other town games together.

“Actively passive” - trying to act comfortable in an uncomfortable position, which I said was different from how I perceive your usual casual behaviour.
I thought it was possible you made that post on purpose, trying to look comfortable on purpose, so you wouldn’t be scumread: this is fine coming from either alignments, villagers should typically try to look good. However, when I asked about this post way earlier on, at #773, you misunderstood my meaning there. I’m suggesting that maybe you misunderstood my meaning because you had not purposely tried to make yourself look unconcerned, you just were.

So i havent officially done a Magnus read with fancy formatting wo lets do that now.


Tldr probably just town unless things go horribly wrong.

Magnus is just painting a massive target on his back by being so detail oriented with his analysis day one that there is almost no way he is not going to be night killed for his efforts at some point. I would only begin to worry about magnus if he lived for several cycles and the game was going very poorly for town for awhile. At this point though Magnus is delivering a lot of very good content and offering nuanced reads on many different slots and employing a lot of great interpersonal connections that come off as extremely pure. I think i was going to have a little paranoia over this slot for nitpicky reasons but magnus never stopped posting informative content so what can you do.

Going to throw out more or less nulls for may, kiiruma, and frost in that order town to scum within that null range. I am not comfortable reading into people with such small amount of posts at this juncture but i do have small preferences within that group. May seeing differences in silut like i do early on is something i liked from the small amount of content there. Kiiruma just hasnt done anything so far that is ai as far as i can tell although i appreciate hazard liking him. Frost feels a little off for me with how they have talked around leafia and coupled with just not feeling any posts make me stop and go ‘thats town’ actually i guess i will give frost a scum lean based off talking myself into it a bit.

This makes my total reads list aomething like…(and not really trying to sk hunt)

Super town

Town, but dont fall asleep making sure they keep solving


Null/need more info/mixed a yellow color ok



I havent explained all of these yet and i plan to iso icgd/sultan to think them over but thats where i am at.

Super town i would probably fight anyone trying to even suspect these slots atm. Town but watch i get paranoia but also paranoia is functionally uselesss. Townleans i am more than willing to hear a case but gum to head it is where i am at and the order there IS important from now on where the first two tiers it isnt.

Null i dont know really what to make of anyone there yet. Igcd iso will help but lea is having an adventure with me today and i dont know what that means. Sometimes its ok to just admit confusion even with players you know well. I will say though it would feel suspect if i die tonight and suddenly lea starts to solve. But thats what @Mr.L is here to keep her in check eith her evil schemes. Unless they are scum together in that case i have been betrayed.

Anyway scumleans i dont really need to hear arguments for i get it already and last tier is last tier.

Its a terrible day 1 for me if that top 6 has more than 1 wolf tbh and hopefully its 0.

I have like 5 posts left but yeah where i am at. I really like my silut microread and it made me happy that magnus magnified it a bit. But also those type of reads are the most prone to produce errors imperically speaking.

Hope that clarifies where i am at so far.


Oh yeah ok! Fair call. And no we haven’t been in any game besides need for speed together sadly.

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I would be surprised, because sk!Leafia has no reason to push you as hard as she did at the beginning of the game. In this world, Leafia should have been anticipating retribution from you as either alignment, especially if she were right, and as a serial killer she would be at liberty to play in a really casual way. She would’ve buddied first.

When did Leafia try this? I couldn’t find her saying anything of the sort prior to this point in her ISO.



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Radio voice. “I’m the resident tinfoil wolf in every game I play.”

I can’t read into that post. She wanted to remind people of the SK’s existence, which again suggests to me that she isn’t the SK, or else people could use it against her. Then again, I can’t reasonably say she would employ the most logical manoeuvres in her current position in the town.
On the other hand, I could possibly see w!Leafia claiming SK if she expected nothing else to work instead of town power? I don’t think so, though.

Okay so reading into igcd’s iso he has been town siding and it makes me want to open up the book on a possible lea/Mr.L scum team due to a difference check between igcd me sultan and lea on knowing that Mr.L was ben. It could be nothing, by content L has been extremely towny but just remember this if things conspire in such a way in a few days were that pairing could be possible.

Anyway bumping igcd all the way up to high end town lean. His handling of leafia in thread comes off as natural and kind rather than w/w. He gives genuinely good advice to someone who might be feeling overwhelmed. I alao like his eliza vote trying to get her in thread and it didnt overstay its welcome. His zenon vote was also fair since zenon wasnt providing her thoughts and i know thats the type of things to bug igcd since if town doesnt do it that leads to misunderstandings and if scum isnt called out on it they can slip by.

It just reads like igcd has been townsiding hard in intent throughout the iso. I cant really remember igcd’s wolf game so i wont bump it up higher but o feel myself nodding along to his intent a bunch this game. Igcd isnt known to be a force or anything so i sm not worried ablut content levels.

If i get a vote i would suggest if we have a scanner to give lea a peek tonight tbh. I think if lea isnt a wolf then mr.l should be all but clear. That posssibility about knowing it was ben wiggles at my brain just a tiny bit. I like difference checks and that feels like it could potentially be one.

Igcd sometimes gets into hot water but i ask people try to view his posts charitably.

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Okay i read sultan’s iso and i feel pretty strongly this is his town game unless he learned way too much from me the past two scum games. I dont think he did though.

He seems genuinely befuddled by leafia’s early game and i buy it as unpiaring.

Yeah i just think sultan is always town for his suspicion on me and lea and how he processee it as the day went. I found it annoying earlier but i immediately had to stop myself because and i am not joking sultan annoying me is a very good indication that sultan is town. Its when sultan slips by me that i get worried.

I would also ask that you try to be charitable with sultan and let him settle into the game a bit more. He can sometimes make pushes that feel awkward but thats just sultan being genuine.

Bumping him up to the top tier of my town list. I get people side eyeing sultan but let him cook please. Or dont i guess lmao.


I understand that the upside of not hunting the SK until later, if it becomes a concern, is that they could more plausibly die in the night than for all the Mafia to die, and therefore the latter should be prioritised. On the other hand, by throwing around the names of SK candidates, those slots can be more easily motivated to try and play in a revealing light if town, or else not for fear of being killed by the other faction. I’ve been tagging “town but asterisk” slots as possible SK candidates to that end.

I am using my second to last post to really hammer home my sultan tr actually because i find that it is that important.

This is not a post wolf sultan makes. It would not occur to him to look at such a nothing post and go ‘neat’ this is purely town sultan reading the game and going ‘oh i like this. Its dumb. Oh well posting anyway lol’

Very strong town read on sultan from someone with years of experience with him who reads him very well. Please keep this in mind as the game goes on. Its important to my future corpse.

Also serial killer if you were cool you’d let me live so i can continue to be hyped and have fun with everyone. Be cool.

@Marluna btw i noticed you used the phrase that my posts became bearable when i broadened my view. I am sorry if my aggressive tendencies rub you the wrong way but with leafia specifically i let her go twice as a wolf day 1 and one time it probably cost town the game in the long run which i feel responsible for. I like leafia a lot and i know she is a game competitor so i cant really afford to be charitable or she will wiggle out of things as a wolf. Sorry if my nature was annoying to read. Not my intent!

One post left which i will probably keep in my back pocket for now although there isnt really a lot of time before eod so if i use it not a big deal.

Updated list

Super town

Town, but dont fall asleep making sure they keep solving


Null/need more info/mixed a yellow color ok



@Magnus oh i dont have a real issue with sk hunting i just dont think i am particularly skilled at it early. I feel like SK’s flying under the radar approach is more apparent after a day or two of retrospective so i want to make it clear i am not considering sk equity when i make a list.


I wonder what achro is gonna dow with his last :popcorn:

Ok i am feeling like shit so i’ll vote and probably catch an early night. I think leafia is a fine vote today just for the purpose of it opening quiet a few worlds. Lea i wouldn’t be against just due to her presence in the game being more “hey look at me i am here” rather then physically solving on a broad surface. And that trap that singles out achro was just weird. (I got and answer from IGCD about why but not from lea herself i believe). Speaking of IGCD, my gut is not liking something bout him. But achro saying its fine and none of the other new people have brought it up so i am guessing they havent felt it either. And the other one thats been on my mind is may. May has sent minimal posts and havent really done anything with those posts unlike frost…
(Last time i voted someone for minimal posts i fucked up and kill a pr so hesitant to vote may on that reason)

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See you at one hour before EoD.

I have re read over Lea, I think i can maybe understand the story of the trap. cause pre “trap” lea is alot different to post “trap” lea. they seem less forced to be here and alot more helpful. i also dont think they are very well in a w/w with leafia from this message

this just feels to instantaneous for it to be a cover vote. and way to early in the scum read.