The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I’m only a mannequin :(
which reminds me I would’ve claimed my flavor but I saw the argument of “hmmmmmm flavor claiming means you probably didn’t have a wolf PM to draw your attention”
and realized the same applies for a vig pm

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Fair enough.

Now that I’ve seen the flips, heading out, so good night. :sleepingleafeon:

nyaaaaaaaaa :(

Bystander + Rhea has to be the exact team if all the townreads are correct. The former’s posting quirk would be an accurate scumread and the latter could’ve been observant enough to identity a Vigilante claim. What separates them?

Jail is always killed off night 1 as a PR, I swear.


wdym what seperates them

oh wait you mean like, what are their differences / who’s more likely wolf

I’m thinking aloud.
Tutuu townread Bystander, so I’m most interested to see where their head is at.

VOTE: Rhea.

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this just makes me sad
i tr them both at EoD
and they’re both dead

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i’ll contribute later :frowning_face:

Since Jail is dead for the record, I am no longer outed in F5 if I’m evil because there’s now enough time for Mafia to kill in a circular rhythm. So feel free to tinfoil me today, you have my permission.

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at night I was thinking about a Magnus/Rhea team, as you can see from my pairings sheet
so. mmmmmmmmmmmm

nyaaaaaaa Gar can you stay here for moral support :pleading_face:

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I can confirm I am not partnered with Rhea. :upside_down_face:

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im playing a game with my RL friend
it’s timed
hugs though!


But no. w!Magnus elevates w!Rhea into the towncore immediately alongside Tutuu and Leafia, and just votes Gar.

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D2: Ends with 6.
N2: Ends with 5.

Tomorrow is XELO if the executee is good. We’re on odds so we just execute every day without pause.

so here’s where I’m at now.

Magnus/Bystander has not only the argument that Tutuu pointed out earlier, but this as well:

Magnus swapping Gar for Bystander here isn’t at all likely if it’s Magnus/Bystander. With both of these I’m very close to calling them never paired.

Gar / Leafia is on both Leafia’s initial vote on Gar, and more importantly their re-vote on Gar, that put wagons at 3-1. That would be very very risky.

Rhea / Bystander is a weak read, just based on Rhea needlessly putting Bystander low in their reads. Not strong because Bystander wasn’t in much danger yesterday anyway.

Rhea / Magnus was based mostly on Rhea’s read on Magnus - after pondering it at night, I realized w!Rhea realistically gets away with a weakly explained townread on w!Magnus there, given that Magnus was fairly TRed.

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Bystander / Leafia - never mention eachother or interact.

Bystander / Garfooled - Bystander pushes Gar early on, for some reason drops the read later? Or at least doesn’t mention it in 474, where they list their townreads. This is wolfy regardless of Gar, actually. Also dropping the read like that makes it not unpairing. From Gar’s side, responds to Bystander’s push, reads Bystander/Magnus as not w/w in 256. Asks why tutuu is TRing bystander near EOD, when they weren’t in the conversation - might call it unpairing out of the blue (as it risks damage to their partner’s position for no reason) but Gar is going over a lot of people there, so I’m not sure on that.

so both of these are still reasonable teams

while going through that, though, I saw this
Putting a wolfmate on the spot like this, for something that could actually be a wolftell, is pretty unlikely.
So unless this is something pre-planned in wolfchat this isn’t w/w