The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

If you say so. You seem closer to them regardless.

I love watching people go “Yeah, sure, okay” to others correcting them on the context of events that they were literally party to

Shame you’ll have to keep waiting to see an instance like that if you love it so much.

I guess I misread you but

Frost literally did that to me this game

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See this post and the post I was responding to

Also, I’m not going to be here for EoD because sleep is more valuable than mafia

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All righty. No promises on the vote being turned on a whim. As I’ll lack control as well.

I’ll have a test today then I’ll prob only be able to post EOD

I think joining this game was a mistake as I am struggling to find time or when I have time I’d rather be doing something else

I remember I was fairly inactive in the first three days of FAM4 and only really got active D4 due to the big amount of informations so yeah you’re using good metrics by considering my inactivity here NAI.

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I feel like this game is going like

  1. We wagon some player who just hasn’t been around
  2. That player comes back and claims and/or does something completely wtf
  3. We decide that player is towny/too ballsy to be a wolf
  4. Repeat cycle with another player
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Has number 2 in that list been a valid strategy for wolves in history?

Claiming right out of the bat can be a valid strategy for some kind of wolves as that’s often seen as towny (though depends a lot on playstyle).

Doing whatever completely wtf thing depends. Perhaps wolves could attempt to derp or something, but sometimes town can do something completely out of the box for wolves.

I think so far the players who have done number 2 were

Hippo (softclaiming a role in bottom 6 or something)
Phraze (voting bystander)
Frost (claiming something I forgot?)


frost claimed like even jailkeeper or something. can you take a look at that particular instance / frost’s d2 and see if u think any thoughts about it

oh I guess ur gone good luck

god some of ur posting makes me so paranoid lol

Makes sense. While already given a nibble of trust, they make the attempt to get a full bite by easy means. As long as no one counter claims.

Why would it be considered unwise to outright claim your role/ability?

ok I looked through phraze iso and it is actually prob town btw. their d1 sucks and then their d2 was probably villa

for example, I was overall feeling like her stubbornness was scummy (like on bystander wolf)… and then she just suddenly 180’d her read on bystander. and then she just randomly went from I vote bionic to ok bionic is chill

like welp, there goes like what I thought her wolf approach was (just spamming some reads/logic) in a way that I dont think intuitive would help wolf!her at all. I hope that makes sense why I think it’s towny, it actually makes a lot of sense in my brain

also, she said windward was good at reading her, I think before windward had shown up yet today. so the last thing windward had said about her was probably disliking her and then she calls windward credible and stuff. that is probably just good


No way bionic has more posts than me… is it necessary to read this today