The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

If sulit is scum do u think it says anything about the list of people?

Don’t read this yet, my own answer to my question

my interpretation is sulit w would make the squishier names on the list town like marluna/derps, I think since sulit has minimal influence her being wolf trying to boost her buddies up is less likely than like trying to use tmi to get cred

Another addendum if sulit is scum and there’s some consensus-y town that’s not on her list that person is probably scum lmao

Idk if anyone actually could fit that besides like Windward or like me lol

Windwardaway i will extract as much sheepable content from u as I can until they nightkill hup

If it helps I isoed all those players this morning lol

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More likely to contain a wolf or two, I think
iirc sulit can be a competent wolf but she used to freeze up and struggle to post
My problem with reading her is that I remember finding her wolfy multiple times when she was town, and the only wolf game I witnessed (or at least that I remember wasn’t a mash) was where I was on her team and we had a very unfair distribution of power roles. It was one of those games where you draft your role and town got all of the good power roles except for the dayvig, and we had a dayvig and a rolecop, but one of us got redchecked immediately, I got tracked to the kill, and sulit kinda lost wim and died :sweat_smile: the last surviving wolf was the lost wolf whom we never correctly identified lol.

Oh you meant more specifically, oops :sweat_smile:
Yeah I agree with you. When I said I thought her list would likely contain a wolf or two, I meant the ones with potential to powerwolf.

In case it matters one day, I do think we have slightly different views of creature polarization

I think his volume/material are like super super super super in his modern wolfrange right now

It’s more he has some attitude that feels like he’s ok with being here and existing and talking to people that towny!creature to me

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Honestly part of me is relieved I’m not on her townlist because I think at least it logically tracks with her progression on me

No that’s pretty much also what I think lol
He had some bouts of posting where he felt comfortable realtiming and I think that’s towny for him.
But overall activity is NAI at best, since he said he didn’t want to be held to MU standards. Which I totally respect.

Kind of? Like it is objectively a decent list of names to ISO
I’ve iso’d all of them as well but mostly overnight or yesterday
I might do some digging later, before we hit eod

Wait actually lemme check a thing

Never mind it was not a thing

Also if creature is actually wolf and making some of the townier popins out of all the lower-posters then just like respect because he used to be literally the most polarized player ever lol

Like if he keeps going steady/better and then I lose to that like fair play

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I think this gam has some of the towniest ppl I’ve encountered and then also one of the most unreadable sea of huh??? Ever


Luxy had a line earlier that was like “if we shoot outside of here Im 50% confiden5 we hit scum” and at first I thought it was scummy but now I feel like I vibe with i(

I remember seeing with that and thinking even if he’s a wolf he’s probably right lmao

*seeing that

My English, rip

This is gonna be one of the nights where we might see more than one death btw
Each vig only has one shot so if we see two kills and no big claim, either the vig is dead or a wolf randed vig
Ngl I kinda hope we see a wolf flip tonight or tomorrow because that will mean a vig can be cleared as town

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