The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I am so sleepy

But I wanna play at least some Pathfinder tonight before I have to go to bed :sob:

I think I agree with this lol

anyways yeah

sulit town

sulit is giving me a bit of doubts rn but I would disagree with the DADV side of things. like no one is around lmao

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VOTE: Wind

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@sirderpsalot if ur looking around try anywhere outside of these names maybe

takes on Luxy / frost could be useful

are you avoiding Frost sirderpsalot

Im incapable of reading frosts posts and not thinking their a wolf 100% of the time so yes kind of

if u vote frost u could make interesting wagons and be helping ur townread sulit

eh not late enough in the day for me to vote like that

:neutral_face: this is sad

Sheep why do u townread wind

sulit (5): WindwardAway, Bionic, Apocryphal, tutuu, Frostwolf103
Frostwolf103 (3): bystander, Marluna, sheepsaysmeep
Apocryphal (1): Phraze
Bionic (1): Luxy
WindwardAway (1): SirDerpsAlot

Not Voting (4): LittleLee, Creature, Zugzwang, sulit


while gone I had a thought on Frost

I like this line now that he’s claimed
because like
T!Frostwolf is probably thinking about protection targets last night
and going “hmmmmmm Rhea is a good target, I’d protect them if I could act tonight”
whereas I doubt w!Frost says this in as many worlds

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this isn’t a meta read to be clear

didn’t they claim even night?