The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Well at least then you’d know he’s town lol
But I think there might be better cop targets anyway

Bionic, Wind/Sheep, Marluna, Creature glgl

(I am not totally sold on this)

Yeah, maybe we can assume no one will yolo vote

Though I’d still defend someone who has been actually following the game to make the first vote in the first 24 hours and not just wait a low hanging player make a yolo vote


Sheep did mention he had to make a choice within 10 minutes before the deadline, thats even worse (but understandable)

I would block a jailkeeper if I thought the jailkeeper was a wolf
But I wouldn’t block them if I was uncertain


I think I’m most confident on Marluna flipping wolf aorn

sheepsaysmeep is quite of a gamble



Admitting to roleblock me takes ballsy move as wolf roleblocker


Do you think sheep is a ballsy wolf?
Or town that made a poor choice?

Who claimed the roleblock Frosty?

Oh it was sheep

This is like 86.74932% arbitrary vibechecking using prior reads and tinfoils

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I want to check how sheep was reading frost by the end of yesterday

Also Frost might still be a wolf

Though I don’t remember seeing him ever wolf so I can only compare his play here to how I felt about his town games

I guess whether Frost/sheep can be paired or not is irrelevant

I’d rather make pairing/unpairing reads only after we flip a wolf

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The thought of saving Tutuu counts for something

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I still think Frost’s logic about thinking that Lee TMI’d Bionic as his partner by liking a post that Zug(?) made about Bionic possibly being a wolf, is so wild that a wolf would never come up with it