The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Two reasons I’d want Bionic dead here:

  1. There’s a good chance they’ll be lynched down the game anyway and I doubt we’ll ever be able to clear them
  2. Their townflip will fully clear Luxy

Bonus reason: their memeposting makes me think they’re lolcatting wolf for some reason


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i can’t be wolf i rolled town

checkmate all votes on me should be gone

Yeah but if you’re town you don’t need to convince us that your reads are right
it’s ok not to be confident in them
As I said before, I care more about how you arrive at your reads and less about whether they’re accurate
I want to see a thought progression and not just a bunch of reads served on a plate
And admittedly I didn’t really understand your progression on hippo on D1
Or your progression on any of your reads :sweat_smile: that could just be a skill issue on my part, though
But you don’t have to lead, you just have to show that you’re town


Ftr if bystander is a wolf I would actually think Bionic is clear
Because bystander was responsible for the hippo cfd so it’s more likely she’d pick up a town mispush than one that her partner left earlier in the day

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If bystander is town then none of that matters

I simply do not believe that two wolves were on hippo

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(aka I agree that Bionic and Bystander are close to but not quite a difference check)

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I forget who the voters were but considering there was also the derps wagon and he was town, yeah the wolves likely spread out rather than pile up

My thought progression on hippo was:

Damn this guy is hammering on me d1 again is he salty about jail?

Wow now like 50% of his messages he’s saying that

Oh he’s saying he’s gonna lynch me later, the alignment cop, I can’t afford that

Better to just use the d1 lynch that would have likely hit a townie or me anyway and rally up people vs him

Oh dang he flipped town at least i should be safe d2, i hope he wasn’t a strong role

I’m gonna have to claim cop to save my ass from possible cfds here but at least I’m alive, hippo would have definitely just keep yammering on me

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I like this article:

It tells us that when town is losing gamestate reads start becoming more important and players can be separate in different archetypes

I guess one of the first step we should make is at least establish 2-3 players we definitely can trust in

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Hippo wagon was me, Bystander, Bionic, and Luxy

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Yeah that’s max one wolf lol, I really don’t think it’s more

The main archetypes are:

  1. the player quietly in the POE but isn’t really pushed;
  2. the player who realizes what’s happening and is trying to stop it;
  3. the player who’s actively trying to solve not necessarily in line with the status quo but is mostly ignored;
  4. the player who looks to main the status quo;
  5. the player currently at the bottom of the POE.

Some are more equal than others (Its better than going nowhere)

We discussed that article earlier today and the conclusion was that one or both of Bionic/Marluna were hard to get a wagon to stick on, and Marluna in particular never had a wagon buildup at all. Bionic is a bit of an edge case since he claimed cop and that’s when the wagon disappeared yesterday, I think.

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Hmm well I’m trying to solve

We’ve mislynched only twice (the vig on tutuu either came from wolves or it was a heroshot gone wrong) so I don’t know how much it applies

Still funny we’re one mislynch away from LyLo

I’d say marluna fit the first archetype, at least until today.

Idk if anyone realizes what’s happening and is trying to stop it. Normally that’s someone who is close to or in the poe and has that extra perspective, right? Nobody in the poe is trying to stop the wagons.

I kinda think the third one might be phraze? I would’ve said derps before.

Players trying to maintain the status quo have changed every day imo, and today everyone seems OK with at least one of the wagons, except for Bionic, but Bionic didn’t have an alternative.

Marluna is currently at the bottom of the PoE, mightve been Bionic earlier but I don’t think he’s at rock bottom right now.

Apocryphal seems to realize what’s happening, but I have doubts they’re trying to stop it

Infact it seems they’re still bringing up Bionic + Marluna + a couple of random names like me?

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