The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I’ve been doing that mostly to myself I guess

but I realize Apocryphal/Zugzwang/sheepsaysmeep/bystander/WindwardAway are the players least likely to be pushed here besides Luxy

Frost might still kinda fit as consensus-y push as they were the counterwagon to sulit yesterday

Yeah and I still think it’s marluna but I tagged them to see if they’d come back and talk or self-pres and… they haven’t?
Which is a bit weird if they’re a wolf and wolves have advantage rn, but maybe they’re just busy regardless of alignment

I see people trying to save Bionic, and Bionic is around, but nobody’s trying to save marluna
Maybe they’re a designated bus

Wouldn’t be surprised tbh

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It almost was
I just wanted someone to unvote cause I wanted to leave my vote in case I fall asleep
I don’t even want to be awake but I wanted to be around while people are actually in the thread solving

Marluna being a designated bus

okay i didnt look at vc

Perhaps our mistake is assuming wolves wouldn’t make mistakes

It’s not weird for a wolf to be wagoned and just refuse to post lol (I’ve done that a couple of times too)

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what is this supposed to do

It’s really hard to save a partner who isn’t posting

If Marluna comes back then I’d assume a couple of players would townread their return or something

I actually think I get pushed more as a wolf than when I’m town
When I’m town I get people floating my name around as a possible wolf but rarely anyone commits to it, probably because it’s almost always wolves and they know if they commit to mislunching me it’s gonna have serious repercussions for them
But that’s how I knew derps was town, he was actually committing to it

i don’t really understand creatures approach here

like i see you like… read an article of something and ur following that but i don’t really understand where the conclusions are

and honestly like using it as an outlet for “solving” is quite easy but i think bringing it up in the first point is quite towny

Referring to the MU article he linked a bit above that
Luxy also linked it earlier in the day to spark discussion.

It is gamestate reading

Bionic/Marluna are the most consensus wolfreads

LittleLee/Frostwolf103/Phraze are kinda secondary consensus wolfreads (LittleLee more than Frostwolf103 more than Phraze)

Apocryphal/bystander/sheepsaysmeep/WindwardAway/Zugzwang seems to be the untouchable core

Luxy has a mechanical reason to be untouched anyway

the culture i see on this site is p bus heavy in general imo

unless it’s only me feeling that

i’ve like rarely seen true powerwolfing go on in the games ive played

Depends on the player list I’d say
Some games are very bus heavy and others don’t have a single wolf flip
I’ve seen both types and it’s related directly to who rands wolf

Powerwolfing only works if your partners are actively posting

It doesn’t seem worth to waste your towncred to try to save a partner who ain’t even defending themselves or are likely a foregone conclusion (unless they have a really strong role to be used that night)

Cause usually if there is one team member who says to avoid bussing at all costs, it’s more likely the team will follow those instructions than go ahead and bus anyway

Btw does anyone think Lee derpcleared himself or was it within fakeable range?

You can add my name to the untouchable core if you want an outside POV here

WindwardAway seems to be floated as a wolf a lot harder than I am

It’s not really an “untouchable” core, but rather that these players are a lot less likely to be lynched here because they’ve gotten a ton of townreads and are actively solving

Logically wolves wouldn’t push into that core as that would mean facing the wrath of a solving towny, but I could also see 1-2 wolves safely resting into that list just because they are posting and have a good reputation or something

VOTE: Marluna

I’m putting my vote back, I’m super sleepy and don’t want to forget

This is L-2, don’t hammer