The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

May as well do that. But I want town to win. You want me dead. So there’s the difference

Except Sheep

(I mean, he is, but he also has literally put me and littlelee into his PoE because lmao???)

(He’s almost certainly a wolf tbh)

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Post was made 6 irl days ago

This was the post in response to when I asked for his readlist yesterday when he was a wagon. He replied to the readlist above, you can check the links to verify.

Has flipped his read on me today for absolutely no clear reason???

Either Phraze or Bystander is the vigilante, it may not clear Phraze if Bystander flips wolf, but I can see Bystander’s reluctance is making her worse.

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(he’s only after other PoE member’s throats in the form of bystander and Bionic)

(Honestly, if he’s a powerwolf committing to the bit, it would be hilarious.)

you’re the most obvious pair with frost

and i have more to say

Frost isn’t a wolf, I am telling you!!!

im going to offer this piece of general advice because I think I disagree with the way a lot of people are reaching their conclusions and it Is making it hard to work with / it is hard/impossible for me to read them today when im not vibing with the solving

it’s going to look pretty scummy because it’s like haha sheep is broadening the poe

like, today (lylo generally) is the day to like strongly consider everyone being a wolf, especially if u solve like me-by like coming up with potential teams and looking at them and seeing if they make sense. at least what I learned in mafia school is like for years I have thought of lylo/mylo as literally a synonym for ‘reevaluate everything day’

for example yesterday I called frostwolf 90%+ town, like basically surely guaranteed town. today if I find a chance to solve the game I am going to start out by initially treating him as if the mech doesnt exist and he could really easily be a wolf. because it’s physically possible that he was a wolf doing it.

im thinking about anni for example which ends with like wolves being treated as clear for things that were like 80-90% clear. this year the game ended with wolf animal midwife and wolf tepig both just being treated by town as clear the whole game and then like DVC was super pissed and blah blah like theyre not truly lock town

I see things like the lee derp clear (not only this, other stuff as well) and my actual reaction is like, this literally basically did not affect me at all, this does not feel like a lylo reasoning for a player’s alignment. at least not a 1/4 into lylo reasoning. at least thats my philosophy

just food for thought that maybe has like a small 10% chance of being helpful

The pair or two pairs

Not like you’d believe me if you’re town but at this point since your town game is indistinguishable from your wolf game, maybe you’re a wolf trying to agenda push? I’m honestly not sure

Bro, I literally do not care about who the vigilante is

Also Phraze I’m pretty sure is literally just town independently of Wind and Bystander


People have been complaining about thse lynches but for the last 2 days i was the one advocating for another lynch against the grain, everyone ignored and now that were mylo I’m trying it again but me and frost are in consensus poe so people are gonna be all suspicious of any push coming from it

The vigilante killed a town, and yet you dont think about pursuing that player


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@Apocryphal Can you prove Tutuu or Derps is actually the town vigilante if you dont care that much? Is that a POV slip? If not dont assume the vigilante means nothing

Imo if frost is a wolf he is still the jailkeeper
And if he were wolf jailkeeper he would not try to jail tutuu
And I believe that he’s telling the truth because he faulted ME yesterday for not tracking him
Which wouldn’t have returned any results, if you blocked him, but it means his logic is predicated on having assumed that if the jail had happened, I would’ve been able to prove he was on tutuu. Additionally, wolves know that they can multi-task and it also means he knew he would not both kill and jailkeep that night.
This is all blown out of the water if you specifically are paired with frost, but from your perspective this should add up.

and it sucks beacuse I can’t be alive forerver and mafia is eventually gonna kill me and the loud voices are gonna find a mislynch on the million chances they have left since it’s 6-4

You said “heal” and I thought you could be contradicting yourself