The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I’m not unvoting if the person I vote for asks for it

what is it

He showed up to vote me and then unvoted and I guess disappeared

One second lemme quote it

I only unvote if the vibes say “okay maybe not it?”

it’s a mechanical thing not a reads thing

votes can end the game today so it’s just objectively better to do it when as much stuff is out there as you can get

@sheepsaysmeep you were part of this too, but out of curiosity do you think it’s alignment indicative at all? It looks kinda like lolcatting but I’m fried so I’m not sure if I just want it to be

it’s like voting before massclaim vs voting after massclaim

it’s like what if I find time to high effort and then I find the game-solve or something lmao but then ur vote was left there and someone hammers

idk now im hyping myself up too much and I dont like it but thats like the idea

Question is whether phraze will ever come back before eod
My guess is yes, 5 min before the end of the day

You must realize

Either I’m right or the game ends as far as I care

Like if there is somehow a save, woot amazing, I get to suffer even longer

Otherwise, I can vanity search dvc and finally be done with all of this/be pumped that I finally got onto the right track

from my point of view as someone in it, I was just trying to be funny and so I dont think it’s alignment indicative

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I guess ur prob mainly asking about bionic

the answer ur looking for probably involves me entering the mind of bionic which like there’s no hope for that

Ok thanks for the sanity check :sweat_smile:

No I think it’s completely non indicative for Bionic, I was more asking about Frostwolf

Welp I’m not making really any progress now :skull:
I’ll be back in the morning if we haven’t ended the game by then

We might lose even if we vote right in the world they’re both town and forget to vote

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@Luxy where art thou, do you have anything to weigh in?


They showed up like 20 hours ago I guess

Yeah that’s why I said earlier I can believe we lose to them if they’re both town, they don’t even have to be wolves