The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]


I think you fucked it up big time

lets dome

you actually say this stuff with 0 explanation

I feel like this is rather benign, Frost what made you angry about this?

No, this is out of spite.

There’s your reason

excuse me? I had cake

fight me lol

well maybe u already was

Something about Paris makes me livid.

why should I take back a comment of having cake?

So it wasnt the good time, sorry about this.


this is mafia

town doesn’t have the freedom to throw around on spite

plus it just seems fake there’s nothing really to spite for…

unless it’s like OOG which is illegal

but it’s just bs

You on other hand

You can keep yapping to death

why u spite vote me but mad at phrazes commmebt

like ur not matching up


Logic be damned, you’re are not getting out of this day alive

yu have more posts than me


town never has 100% confidence on push mylo

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okay honestly i feel like this is antispew the way he’s posting rn but idk why he does it when im being wagoned the most