The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Duh duh duh duuuuuuuh

One of you is a wolf

I actually believed you can handle it

yeah frost could’ve blocked me too

Or frost blocked sheep, I guess that’s also plausible

But looks you betrayed my trust

No, you guys are in a solid thunderdome

Nope, remember yesterday that I pinged you?

awko taco

I will give you the reasoning on why I tried to track sheep

tbh from my pov you guys are in a thunder dome :skull: although I lean a certain way right now

I tracked sheep last night.

• If frost is a wolf, he probably never makes the kill because he expects to be tracked. The most I can learn is if he’s town and successfully jails a killing wolf, or if sheep roleblocks him I won’t see him go anywhere.
• if sheep is a wolf, he always makes the kill because I locktowned him yesterday. If he’s town, he can possibly roleblock a killing wolf. If he goes nowhere, either he lied about his role or Frost jailed him.
• If Phraze is a wolf, she knows she should be tracked nowhere to keep up her claim. (And tbh, I think maybe bystander actually is right and she would have bussed Phraze if Phraze were a wolf. I’m still mulling it over but could’ve been TMI instead.)
• If Lee is a wolf, someone will probably tell him that he’s in my PoE and needs to target a convincing doctor target. Also, if he claims he didn’t see Creature’s macho watcher claim and docced him, we likely just kill Lee because at this point it ceases to be towny.
• If Bionic is a wolf, he also almost always makes the kill here, because I dropped the push on him, if he moves anywhere at all he’s obviously a wolf. But I think if Bionic and sheep are both wolves, sheep makes the kill instead, and I learn nothing if I see Bionic go nowhere because it doesn’t exclude sheep from killing.

I get more info from tracking sheep, regardless of results. Low info would be tracking sheep to exactly one target but the kill still going through. High info would be tracking sheep to two targets including the nightkill, or not getting any results at all on him.

• I still don’t know the difference between being roleblocked and tracking a target that goes nowhere, so if I don’t get a result, it’ll implicate one of Frost/sheep but unclear who.

I lean a certain way because of how you both reacted to my results but I’m not gonna vote yet

I think Wind is ignoring Bionic/Apo/Lee while he is doing this.

If I tracked Bionic and Bionic is town, I’d get no result
If I tracked Apo or Lee, then yeah I should get exactly one result if town, and one to two results if scum

w!Frost JKing sheep makes sense if they wanted to guarantee their kill tbh

I wanted to know for sure that either my target lied or I was roleblocked
I would not know the diff between being roleblocked or Bionic being town
So the easiest way to test this was to track a blocking role directly

Bionic could be another WOLF Joat that roleblocked Phraze, if that claim is true.

The joats don’t have N4 actions

A roleblocker wins against Jailkeeper