The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Wait I’m stupid we flipped bystander already lol

I meant 2/4 names


Frostwolf103 (2): Bionic, WindwardAway
Bionic (1): Frostwolf103

Not Voting (5): LittleLee, Phraze, Apocryphal, Luxy, sheepsaysmeep



Don’t wanna end discussion early, sorry I didn’t see bionics vote

There’s actually still the possibility there’s an odd roleblocker
That wasn’t claimed
and the other joat didn’t have any roleblocking actions so idk what frost is on about

I think it’s Frost/Lee/One of Bionic Phraze or sheep

Yeah same
leaning toward what Apo said

omg there are only 3 wolves left lmaoo

One joat had 1x roleblock

god I was struggling so hard and like working my brain around all the poe names


no one corrected me bruh

Nvm the other joat did have a block, I’m dumb

How did bys treat sheep’s slot

pok good night


Zug was an odd role and sulit was odd jk

Ya I updated that list

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Zugz is either n1/n3 tracker or n1/n3 rb

Don’t recall actually

This was bys second post :joy: