The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

It’s so hard to post on mobile

I did briefly when we weren’t sure if the unclaimed vig was bystander but now we know it still could’ve been her

But early day 1 they called sheep town for asking how to ISO and thanking Bionic for telling them how to.

Kinda read like a joke tho

They also were the first to say Lee was town because he was posting something

So what I saw in April Showers is that she does kinda freely vote her partners but still tries not to end up stuck on their wagons when it comes to final voting
Which fits with 3 days of her Frost treatment
Yesterday a little different but I think since both of them were poe they decided to distance instead of going for a misexe
Phraze very well may have flipped as a misexe though. Frost moved to her, bystander did not.

I’d probably ignore that ISO thing lol

The Lee read, I asked Lee about it too and he also defended himself by postcount, said bystander pointed it out, and then… voted bystander when I told him to vote lol

So I think Lee is also a wolf and it’s a matter of finding the last one

At this point he can lie about who he docced since I already outed my track, so it really doesn’t matter what he says

I think I said that
But it was because I don’t think Bionic/Frost is a team
Not like 100% certain, just that if I had to eliminate potential pairings, that’s what I’d eliminate

So here’s where I entered and outed my result
You would know from before that it implies I was roleblocked or my target went nowhere cause I previously tracked Zug nowhere and thought the lack of feedback meant I was blocked
Technically I still could’ve been blocked, but we also know he went nowhere so feedback for all intents and purposes can be assumed to be identical

Frost’s immediate reaction is to claim I’m lying and that he went nowhere and sheep must’ve gone somewhere
Why he has locked sheep as town, after earlier in the game saying that it was wolfy for sheep to block him, I don’t know :person_shrugging:

My explanation for this

Sheep has a very normal reaction

This is not a normal response because he assumes it has to be a roleblock outside of himself and sheep for ??? reasons

Sheep repeats his earlier claim, that he tried to roleblock phraze
It’s probably not provable since we don’t know if I was blocked or just tracked him nowhere, but obviously someone lied about their action
My belief is that Frost had the most motivation to block me
Because the feedback for tracking a target nowhere is the same as being roleblocked, if I’d tracked Frost and saw no feedback, I could assume he was telling the truth and went nowhere, even if he’d blocked me, because there’s no difference.
I tracked sheep because I knew town!sheep would not block me and also actually visit a target. Wolf!sheep could block me, or visit somewhere else and kill, or just outright lie about being a roleblocker and not go anywhere at all, but of my potential track targets he was the most likely to perform a kill if he’s a wolf.

So this is the conclusion I reached
It should be similar for Frost and sheep, but slotting in my name instead of their own.

Very dumb reaction

The other possibility, although we don’t know action resolution order and I’m not sure if that’s a question that can be asked by someone whose action it isn’t (like if I asked, I feel like I’d just get told I can’t get an answer to it)

This is completely reasonable

Frost saying I’m out to distract him and he can lunch me later is just… weird

He doesn’t consider sheep AT ALL but then just goes “oh well you’re a wolf but we can kill Bionic first” like it’s completely natural to vote outside of a mechanical thunderdome

Which is why I’m questioning if Apo has been right this whole time and sheep and Frost are partnered

But also I wouldn’t put it past wolf!Frost to bus wolf!Sheep if he thought he could ride the credit to endgame, so I’m not really sure. It’s just weird overall.

(reiterating this for anyone else who comes in and wants to comment on it)

There is guaranteed to be a wolf between Frost/sheep/me

Do NOT vote outside of the three of us today

And do NOT enable an early hammer because I want discussion open

I do not care if you conclude I’m the wolfiest of the thunderdome
I want the thunderdome acknowledged

And I want the remaining solve to take place both inside AND outside the dome
There are 1-2 wolves in the dome and 1-2 outside

I almost feel sorry for the wolves with regards to all of this lmao

Imagine getting to mylo just to self-destruct and start getting outed


Can you not jynx us

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This game is going to come down to who is wolfier, Phraze, Bionic or sheep lol


Do you think Phraze CCs his wolfbuddy?

Tbh I vibe closer to sheep being the wolf, but I can see Phraze also being it for the cake fluff bit from yesterday (and disbelieving that she’s n3 vig)

Bionic I’m pretty sure is literally just lolcatting town