The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

what were you again?

Anyway Lee cannot have blocked me unless sheep lied about being roleblocker which would implicate both of them anyway

N2/N4 Jailkeeper

I jail players that heal them and also roleblocks them.

Frost is even night jail keeper
Sheep is even night roleblocker
Lee is even night doctor
I am even night tracker

According to claims


I got no result last night which means that either Frost lied about holstering and blocked me or sheep (depending on action resolution cause idk), sheep lied about roleblocking phraze and roleblocked me, or sheep lied entirely about being a roleblocker and didn’t go anywhere which is why I couldve gotten no result. If you believe I can be a wolf, then I can be lying about my track result in which case I’m trying to get one or both of frost/sheep killed, but then I’m putting myself in a thunderdome when I had no reason to.

Why are you even taking sheep’s claim at face value, you complained earlier that he made a bad decision roleblocking you on N2 but you never pushed him, and today when I’m telling you that if you’re town, I think he lied, you just jump to conclusions that I’m the one lying. Why are you clearing sheep?

One thing for sure that other wolf JOAT cant roleblock Phraze N3 and you at N4 at once.


Read the fucking roles??? The joats can’t act after N3

Why the hell do you think I’m on about this being a thunderdome

Yeah you need to get your head together, I literally said that impossible

my point being

If I’m lying, I’m a wolf so you vote me, easy
If I’m not lying, from your pov sheep would be a wolf and the tutuu kill was strongmanned and sheep isn’t a roleblocker, or blocked me

Idk why you’re refusing to vote between sheep and me it’s bizarre

I don’t give a flying fuck about who the joats were

What a waste of time this entire conversation is

No, not until other wolves are caught. I’d rather you kill me and lose the game, is that you want me to do?

I would never kill you if I’m a wolf because I could push you easily as a mislynch

You’ve been poe the entire game, you think I’ll just randomly kill you? Lmao

If I wanted to kill within the thunderdome I would always kill sheep before you