The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Maybe after two wolves, they may. Just to prove your point you are blocked.

No we’re flipping you today and i am not changing my opinion if you’re gonna be this ridiculous about it

You’ve had the most un-towny reaction to my results

I’d understand it if I had said I twacked YOU nowhere but I tracked sheep and you have such a weird reaction to it

Are you or are you not blocked? I hope you can answer this question truthfully and I hopd you wont continue on this FPS trip.

I literally dont believe you.

VOTE: frost

I DON’T KNOW!!! I have said a million times I cannot tell the difference between being blocked or tracking my target nowhere, I submitted a track on sheep and never got a result

And I’m sure you knew this because of me thinking I got blocked when Zug went nowhere

The possibility you are blocked or sheep also holstered and didnt do factional kill, have you considered the last one at least?

Of course I did but sheep claimed to block phraze
So if sheep holstered then he still lied about his actiontown sheep has no reason to lie

(Or holstered in general)

This makes no fucking sense, I’m leaving


Answer truthfully, did you attempt to roleblock Phraze or did you holster?

The first thing you said:

You can at least able to establish that if Sheep did indeed holstered as well, he didnt do factional kill as wolf.

While I do have to apologize to you for not making it clear what you are suppose to do at N4, but tracking between Sheep and me was not the plan.

That’s obvious, of course if he didn’t go anywhere he didn’t kill
You’re cherry picking anyway, read all the posts where I said it’s possible sheep holstered and didn’t go anywhere

It’s just not towny even if he didn’t kill, because as a town roleblocker he should try to stop the kill, and presumably within people who claimed they cannot act. Which phraze fits. So the claim is OK, it just doesn’t match with my results if I was not blocked. And if neither of you roleblocked anyone and you’re both town, we fucking lose because that’s extremely bad.

The plan literally said “it doesn’t matter where the tracker goes” you think I would just track someone who said they won’t go anywhere? Then I’d never be able to tell the difference between being roleblocked or tracking someone nowhere. The idea with tracking sheep is that I will be guaranteed a result regardless of his alignment because he probably could’ve made a kill, and assumed I would never track him. I didn’t track you because you said you intended to holster.

I believe you are mistaken, your approach that you believed is roleblocked is the exact scenario I am avoiding because it does nothing but wasting time screaming at each other and accomplishes nothing to game solve.

Ok so sheep is town and you’re both town and throwing the game because you let creature die?? I think not. You’re both smarter than that.

I know I cant protect Creature from dying unless I go out and stop somebody from attacking.

Sheep claims to roleblocked Phraze, a N3 vigilante claim that also been roleblocked at N3.

There can be only N1/N3 roleblocker or other JOAT doing this and there is no mention of them anywhere that claimed to blocked Phraze now makes me realize I am mistaken about no N3 Vigilante.