The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I came to the thread and she plays with me.

Regret comes later.

if phraze is on this wagon its probably to try to scare people or gain credit by a bussing flip

possibly both

I’d imagine wolves have freedom to do that since they have 2 days ahead on a perfect game

I dont know, I must be expert in some subject why Phraze voted me?

no? i just said a possibility

I am not in wolf chat, I was right about bystander, sheep blocked both me and Wind, Wind shouldn’t be leading and I was too arrogant to let others lead.

But damn feels good with bystander eliminated

Does this sound like a wolf that someone in team gone? Thats a big wtf and absolute no.

I absolutely not bus in these circumstances as wolf, not this close.

All it needs to be done is not fuck it up.

“oh yea i wouldn’t do what im doing as wolf, trust me” -wolf

Sarcastically aside, you may think Wind is towny from this interaction, but honestly she refuses to listen.

This is not leadership material


if you wanna talk about that you haven’t been much better frost

Hey apo, curious question.

Between myself, lee, sheep and Phraze

What stop you from exploring other worlds?

In my opinion, I holstered in case sheep does this or Wind is trying to accuse both as wolves being liar, is exactly why I am fpsing and did nothing.

I expected this deception is going to happen.

There is no reason for Wind to be …snarky when I did was wrong.

can you point me to a post where wind was snarky

Imagine my disappointment in her when I get back after realizing I could work together.

Only to prove myself right that wind is in no condition to lead, I am obviously not going to vote myself, that will be against town wincon
